Package com.saxonica.jaxp

This package contains the Saxon implementation of the JAXP schema validation API.


Class Summary
SchemaFactoryImpl This is the Saxon implementation of the JAXP 1.3 SchemaFactory interface.
SchemaReference A reference to a Saxon prepared schema.
TypedContentHandler This class is an extension of ContentHandlerProxy that provides access to type information, using the DOM Level 3 TypeInfo interfaces.
URIResourceResolver This class implements the JAXP URIResourceResolver as a wrapper around a DOM Level 3 LSResourceResolver.
ValidatingReader This class is a Saxon implementation of XMLReader that performs schema validation using Saxon's schema processor.
ValidatorHandlerImpl The is the Saxon implementation of the JAXP 1.3 ValidatorHandler interface.
ValidatorImpl This class in the Saxon implementation of the JAXP 1.3 Validator "interface" (which is actually defined as an abstract class).
ValidatorImpl.ErrorListenerWrappingErrorHandler A JAXP ErrorListener that wraps a SAX ErrorHandler

Package com.saxonica.jaxp Description

This package contains the Saxon implementation of the JAXP schema validation API.

These classes allow a schema to be loaded and compiled and to be used for validating instance documents, typically validating the document emitted as a stream of events by a (non-validatin) SAX parser. The TypedContentHandler gives access to the resulting type information.

This is not a mainstream interface for Saxon; it is provided only for JAXP compatibility. Most applications performing document validation will prefer to use the net.sf.saxon.s9api interface.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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