Package com.saxonica.ptree

The package com.saxonica.ptree contains classes used to support the persistent tree model in Saxon, allowing binary storage of XML documents on disc.


Interface Summary
TextMangler Plug-in to mangle (e.g.

Class Summary
PackageURIResolver URI resolver used for packaged styleeheets: both for the "principal" stylesheet URI (which is a reference to a ZIP file, implicitly to the module 0.pxsl within that ZIP file) and to other stylesheet modules which are references to other entries in the ZIP file.
PTreeEmitter An Emitter (serializer) to output a result tree in Saxon PTree format
PTreeReader This class loads a TinyTree held as a serialized binary file on disk, in a proprietary format designed for speed of loading back into a new TinyTree.
PTreeSource A JAXP Source that maps to an XML document represented as a PTree on disk.
PTreeURIResolver This class provides the service of converting a URI into an InputSource.
PTreeWriter This class serializes a TinyTree to a binary file on disk, in a proprietary format designed for speed of loading back into a new TinyTree.
StylesheetPackager This class creates a Zip file containing the modules of a stylesheet, suitable for distribution in obfuscated form
TextObfuscator An implementation of TextMangler that performs a crude obfuscation of an input string

Exception Summary

Package com.saxonica.ptree Description

The package com.saxonica.ptree contains classes used to support the persistent tree model in Saxon, allowing binary storage of XML documents on disc.

The packags includes the classes used to read PTree documents into memory, and to write documents to disk in PTree format.

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