Package com.saxonica.pull

This package extends the pull API for Saxon that is provided in package net.sf.saxon.pull in Saxon-HE.


Class Summary
DocumentEventIgnorer This is a filter that can be added to a pull pipeline to remove START_DOCUMENT and END_DOCUMENT events.
ElementNameTracker This is a filter that can be added to a pull pipeline to remember element names so that they are available immediately after the END_ELEMENT event is notified
PullFromIterator This class delivers any XPath sequence through the pull interface.
PullNamespaceReducer PullNamespaceReducer is a PullFilter responsible for removing duplicate namespace declarations.
PullToStax This class bridges PullProvider events to XMLStreamReader (Stax) events.
PullToStax.SourceStreamLocation Bridge a SAX SourceLocator to a
PullTracer PullTracer is a PullFilter that can be inserted into a pull pipeline for diagnostic purposes.
TinyTreeWalker This implementation of the Saxon pull interface starts from a document, element, text, comment, or processing-instruction node in a TinyTree, and returns the events corresponding to that node and its descendants (including their attributes and namespaces).
TreeWalker This implementation of the Saxon pull interface starts from any NodeInfo, and returns the events corresponding to that node and its descendants (including their attributes and namespaces).
UnconstructedDocument A document node whose construction is deferred.
UnconstructedElement An element node whose construction is deferred.
UnconstructedParent This class represents a virtual element node, the result of an element constructor that (in general) hasn't been fully evaluated.
VirtualTreeWalker A virtual tree walker provides a sequence of pull events describing the structure and content of a tree that is conceptually being constructed by expressions in a query or stylesheet; in fact the tree is not necessarily constructed in memory, and exists only as this stream of pull events.

Package com.saxonica.pull Description

This package extends the pull API for Saxon that is provided in package net.sf.saxon.pull in Saxon-HE. It provides features allowing walking of an existing Saxon tree and delivering events in the same way as a pull parser; it also allows queries and stylesheets to create lazily-constructed document and element nodes which can then be read using the pull interface.

The three main kinds of PullProvider supported in this package are:

The facility to evaluate the results of a query in pull mode using the PullProvider interface are largely superseded by the net.sf.saxon.evpull.EventIterator interface, which is directly or indirectly supported by all expressions.

Some examples of application code using the pull interface with Saxon are provided in the file in the samples directory.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
10 June 2009

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Saxonica Limited. All rights reserved.