Class PullFromIterator

  extended by com.saxonica.pull.PullFromIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PullFromIterator
extends Object
implements PullProvider

This class delivers any XPath sequence through the pull interface. Atomic values in the sequence are supplied unchanged, as are top-level text, comment, attribute, namespace, and processing-instruction nodes. Elements and documents appearing in the input sequence are supplied as a sequence of events that walks recursively down the subtree rooted at that node. The input is supplied in the form of a SequenceIterator.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.pull.PullProvider
Constructor Summary
PullFromIterator(SequenceIterator base)
          Create a PullProvider that wraps a supplied SequenceIterator
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the event reader.
 int current()
          Get the event most recently returned by next(), or by other calls that change the position, for example getStringValue() and skipToMatchingEnd().
 AtomicValue getAtomicValue()
          Get an atomic value.
 AttributeCollection getAttributes()
          Get the attributes associated with the current element.
 int getFingerprint()
          Get the fingerprint of the name of the element.
 int getNameCode()
          Get the nameCode identifying the name of the current node.
 NamespaceBinding[] getNamespaceDeclarations()
          Get the namespace declarations associated with the current element.
 PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
          Get configuration information.
 SchemaType getSchemaType()
          Get the type annotation of the current attribute or element node, or atomic value.
 SourceLocator getSourceLocator()
          Get the location of the current event.
 CharSequence getStringValue()
          Get the string value of the current element, text node, processing-instruction, or top-level attribute or namespace node, or atomic value.
 List getUnparsedEntities()
          Get a list of unparsed entities.
 int next()
          Get the next event
 void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
          Set configuration information.
 int skipToMatchingEnd()
          Skip the current subtree.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PullFromIterator(SequenceIterator base)
Create a PullProvider that wraps a supplied SequenceIterator

base - the sequence iterator to be wrapped
Method Detail


public void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
Set configuration information. This must only be called before any events have been read.

Specified by:
setPipelineConfiguration in interface PullProvider
pipe - the pipeline configuration


public PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
Get configuration information.

Specified by:
getPipelineConfiguration in interface PullProvider
the pipeline configuration


public int next()
         throws XPathException
Get the next event

Specified by:
next in interface PullProvider
an integer code indicating the type of event. The code PullProvider.END_OF_INPUT is returned at the end of the sequence.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public int current()
Get the event most recently returned by next(), or by other calls that change the position, for example getStringValue() and skipToMatchingEnd(). This method does not change the position of the PullProvider.

Specified by:
current in interface PullProvider
the current event


public AttributeCollection getAttributes()
                                  throws XPathException
Get the attributes associated with the current element. This method must be called only after a START_ELEMENT event has been notified. The contents of the returned AttributeCollection are guaranteed to remain unchanged until the next START_ELEMENT event, but may be modified thereafter. The object should not be modified by the client.

Attributes may be read before or after reading the namespaces of an element, but must not be read after the first child node has been read, or after calling one of the methods skipToEnd(), getStringValue(), or getTypedValue().

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface PullProvider
an AttributeCollection representing the attributes of the element that has just been notified.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public NamespaceBinding[] getNamespaceDeclarations()
                                            throws XPathException
Get the namespace declarations associated with the current element. This method must be called only after a START_ELEMENT event has been notified. In the case of a top-level START_ELEMENT event (that is, an element that either has no parent node, or whose parent is not included in the sequence being read), the NamespaceDeclarations object returned will contain a namespace declaration for each namespace that is in-scope for this element node. In the case of a non-top-level element, the NamespaceDeclarations will contain a set of namespace declarations and undeclarations, representing the differences between this element and its parent.

It is permissible for this method to return namespace declarations that are redundant.

The NamespaceDeclarations object is guaranteed to remain unchanged until the next START_ELEMENT event, but may then be overwritten. The object should not be modified by the client.

Namespaces may be read before or after reading the attributes of an element, but must not be read after the first child node has been read, or after calling one of the methods skipToEnd(), getStringValue(), or getTypedValue().


Specified by:
getNamespaceDeclarations in interface PullProvider
the namespace declarations associated with the current START_ELEMENT event.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public int skipToMatchingEnd()
                      throws XPathException
Skip the current subtree. This method may be called only immediately after a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event. This call returns the matching END_DOCUMENT or END_ELEMENT event; the next call on next() will return the event following the END_DOCUMENT or END_ELEMENT.

Specified by:
skipToMatchingEnd in interface PullProvider
the matching END_DOCUMENT or END_ELEMENT event
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public void close()
Close the event reader. This indicates that no further events are required. It is not necessary to close an event reader after PullProvider.END_OF_INPUT has been reported, but it is recommended to close it if reading terminates prematurely. Once an event reader has been closed, the effect of further calls on next() is undefined.

Specified by:
close in interface PullProvider


public int getNameCode()
Get the nameCode identifying the name of the current node. This method can be used after the PullProvider.START_ELEMENT, PullProvider.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, PullProvider.ATTRIBUTE, or PullProvider.NAMESPACE events. With some PullProvider implementations, including this one, it can also be used after PullProvider.END_ELEMENT. If called at other times, the result is undefined and may result in an IllegalStateException. If called when the current node is an unnamed namespace node (a node representing the default namespace) the returned value is -1.

Specified by:
getNameCode in interface PullProvider
the nameCode. The nameCode can be used to obtain the prefix, local name, and namespace URI from the name pool.


public int getFingerprint()
Get the fingerprint of the name of the element. This is similar to the nameCode, except that it does not contain any information about the prefix: so two elements with the same fingerprint have the same name, excluding prefix. This method can be used after the PullProvider.START_ELEMENT, PullProvider.END_ELEMENT, PullProvider.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, PullProvider.ATTRIBUTE, or PullProvider.NAMESPACE events. If called at other times, the result is undefined and may result in an IllegalStateException. If called when the current node is an unnamed namespace node (a node representing the default namespace) the returned value is -1.

Specified by:
getFingerprint in interface PullProvider
the fingerprint. The fingerprint can be used to obtain the local name and namespace URI from the name pool.


public CharSequence getStringValue()
                            throws XPathException
Get the string value of the current element, text node, processing-instruction, or top-level attribute or namespace node, or atomic value.

In other situations the result is undefined and may result in an IllegalStateException.

If the most recent event was a PullProvider.START_ELEMENT, this method causes the content of the element to be read. The current event on completion of this method will be the corresponding PullProvider.END_ELEMENT. The next call of next() will return the event following the END_ELEMENT event.

Specified by:
getStringValue in interface PullProvider
the String Value of the node in question, defined according to the rules in the XPath data model.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public AtomicValue getAtomicValue()
Get an atomic value. This call may be used only when the last event reported was ATOMIC_VALUE. This indicates that the PullProvider is reading a sequence that contains a free-standing atomic value; it is never used when reading the content of a node.

Specified by:
getAtomicValue in interface PullProvider
the atomic value


public SchemaType getSchemaType()
Get the type annotation of the current attribute or element node, or atomic value. The result of this method is undefined unless the most recent event was START_ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE, or ATOMIC_VALUE.

Specified by:
getSchemaType in interface PullProvider
the type annotation.


public SourceLocator getSourceLocator()
Get the location of the current event. For an event stream representing a real document, the location information should identify the location in the lexical XML source. For a constructed document, it should identify the location in the query or stylesheet that caused the node to be created. A value of null can be returned if no location information is available.

Specified by:
getSourceLocator in interface PullProvider
the SourceLocator giving the location of the current event, or null if no location information is available


public List getUnparsedEntities()
Get a list of unparsed entities.

Specified by:
getUnparsedEntities in interface PullProvider
a list of unparsed entities, or null if the information is not available, or an empty list if there are no unparsed entities.

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