Class AttributeUse

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
          extended by com.saxonica.schema.AttributeUse
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentReference, UserSchemaComponent, Serializable, SourceLocator, SchemaComponent

public final class AttributeUse
extends SimpleComponentReference
implements UserSchemaComponent

An XML Schema Attribute Use: that is, a reference to an attribute declaration from within a complex type or attribute group.

This corresponds to an xs:attribute ref="" element in the XML representation of the schema.

Technically, a local attribute declaration (a non global xs:attribute name="") should be represented by two schema components, an attribute use and an attribute declaration. We don't currently do this, instead the containing attribute group refers to the attribute declaration directly.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static short OPTIONAL
          Value representing use="optional"
static short PROHIBITED
          Value representing use="prohibited"
static short REQUIRED
          Value representing use="required"
Fields inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
nameCode, symbolSpace, target
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Constructor Summary
AttributeUse(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
          Creates a new Attribute Use in the given schema.
Method Summary
 boolean fixup(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Fix up references to other elements in the schema.
 AttributeDecl getAttributeDeclaration()
          Get the corresponding attribute declaration
 int getCardinality()
          Get the value of the "use" attribute, expressed as a Cardinality value of StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE, StaticProperty.EMPTY, or StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE
 String getDefaultValue()
          Returns the default value of this attribute use.
 String getDisplayName()
          Returns the name of the attribute defined by this AttributeDecl.
 Value getFixedValue()
          Returns the fixed value of this attribute use.
 String getUnderlyingDefaultValue()
          Get the default value of this attribute use if there is one; if there is none, get the default value of the corresponding attribute declaration; if the declaration defines no default value, return null
 Value getUnderlyingFixedValue()
          Returns the fixed value of this attribute use, or of the corresponding attribute declaration if the attribute use has no fixed value.
 String getUse()
          Get the value of the 'use' attribute for this attribute declaration or attribute reference.
 boolean isInheritable()
          Ask whether this attribute is inheritable
 boolean isOptional()
          Returns true if the use attribute is equal to "optional".
 boolean isProhibited()
          Returns true if the use attribute is equal to "prohibited".
 boolean isRequired()
          Returns true if the 'use' attribute is equal to REQUIRED and there is no specified value.
 void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
          Serialize the schema component
 void setDefaultValue(String value)
          Sets the default value.
 void setFixedValue(Value value)
          Sets the fixed value.
 void setInheritable(int inherit)
          Say whether this attribute is inheritable
 void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Set the namespace resolver for resolving QName-valued fixed and default values
 void setUse(short value)
          Sets the 'use' attribute of this attribute declaration.
 boolean testFixedValue(CharSequence value, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Test a value against the fixed value.
 boolean validate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Checks the validity of this Attribute Use
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
getFingerprint, getNameCode, getSymbolSpace, getTarget, isResolved, setNameCode, setTarget, tryToResolve
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
elaborate, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getFixupStatus, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getRedefinitionLevel, getSchemaDocumentURI, getSystemId, getValidationStatus, lookForCycles, setConfiguration, setFixupStatus, setLineNumber, setLocator, setRedefinitionLevel, setSchemaDocumentURI, setSystemId, setValidationStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.UserSchemaComponent
elaborate, lookForCycles
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
getRedefinitionLevel, getValidationStatus
Methods inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.ComponentReference
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
getColumnNumber, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getSystemId

Field Detail


public static final short OPTIONAL
Value representing use="optional"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short PROHIBITED
Value representing use="prohibited"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short REQUIRED
Value representing use="required"

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AttributeUse(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
Creates a new Attribute Use in the given schema. For system use only.

config - the Configuration that contains the new attributeUse
Method Detail


public AttributeDecl getAttributeDeclaration()
                                      throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Get the corresponding attribute declaration

the attribute declaration referenced by this attribute use
UnresolvedReferenceException - if the reference from the AttributeUse to the AttributeDecl has not been resolved


public String getDisplayName()
Returns the name of the attribute defined by this AttributeDecl. This is used only for diagnostic display purposes

the name of the attribute as a lexical QName.


public String getUse()
Get the value of the 'use' attribute for this attribute declaration or attribute reference. If this is a reference the value of the use attribute will *not* be obtained from the referenced attribute declaration as top-level attributes do not take into account the use attribute.

the value of the 'use' attribute for this attribute declaration, as a string: "prohibited", "required", or "optional".


public int getCardinality()
Get the value of the "use" attribute, expressed as a Cardinality value of StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE, StaticProperty.EMPTY, or StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE

the cardinality implied by the "use" attribute


public String getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of this attribute use.

the default value defined by this attribute declaration, or null if no default was specified.


public String getUnderlyingDefaultValue()
Get the default value of this attribute use if there is one; if there is none, get the default value of the corresponding attribute declaration; if the declaration defines no default value, return null

the default attribute value if there is one, otherwise null


public Value getFixedValue()
Returns the fixed value of this attribute use.

the fixed value defined by this attribute use, or null if no fixed value was specified. Once the schema has been compiled this will be the correctly-typed value; until then it will be the string value as specified in the source schema.


public Value getUnderlyingFixedValue()
Returns the fixed value of this attribute use, or of the corresponding attribute declaration if the attribute use has no fixed value.

the fixed value defined by this attribute use, if one was specified; failing that, the fixed value defined for the corresponding attribute declaration; failing that, null. Once the schema has been compiled this will be the correctly-typed value; until then it will be the string value as specified in the source schema.


public void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
Set the namespace resolver for resolving QName-valued fixed and default values

resolver - the namespace resolver to be used


public boolean testFixedValue(CharSequence value,
                              NamespaceResolver resolver)
                       throws ValidationException
Test a value against the fixed value. This tests both against the fixed value for this attribute use, and the fixed value of the corresponding attribute declaration (which must be equivalent if they are both present).

value - the value to be tested
resolver - the namespace resolver to be used if the value is namespace sensitive
true if it matches (or if there is no fixed value), false otherwise
ValidationException - if the value is not valid for this type


public boolean isOptional()
Returns true if the use attribute is equal to "optional".

true if the use attribute is equal to "optional".


public boolean isProhibited()
Returns true if the use attribute is equal to "prohibited". Note that in the W3C schema component model, no attribute use ever has the value "prohibited": this should be treated as if the attribute use did not exist.

true if the use attribute is equal to "prohibited".


public boolean isRequired()
Returns true if the 'use' attribute is equal to REQUIRED and there is no specified value. If a value is specified and the 'use' attribute is "required" then required is will return false, because the attribute value automatically becomes fixed.

true if the use attribute is equal to "required" and no default value has been specified, otherwise false


public void setUse(short value)
Sets the 'use' attribute of this attribute declaration. For internal use only.

value - one of the following: ("prohibited" | "optional" | "required")


public void setDefaultValue(String value)
Sets the default value. For internal use only.

value - the default value


public void setFixedValue(Value value)
Sets the fixed value. For internal use only.

value - the fixed value


public void setInheritable(int inherit)
Say whether this attribute is inheritable

inherit - values are 0 (false), 1 (true), -1 (unspecified, use value from attribute declaration)


public boolean isInheritable()
Ask whether this attribute is inheritable

true if it is inheritable


public boolean fixup(SchemaCompiler compiler)
              throws SchemaException
Fix up references to other elements in the schema.

Specified by:
fixup in interface UserSchemaComponent
fixup in class SchemaStructure
compiler - the schema compiler, used for error reporting
true if successful.


public boolean validate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                 throws SchemaException
Checks the validity of this Attribute Use

Specified by:
validate in interface UserSchemaComponent
true when this Schema definition is valid, otherwise false.
SchemaException - if the error listener decides an error is fatal


public void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
               throws XPathException
Serialize the schema component

serializer - the schema serializer

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