Class UserDefinedType

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
All Implemented Interfaces:
UserSchemaComponent, Serializable, SourceLocator, SchemaComponent, SchemaType
Direct Known Subclasses:
UserComplexType, UserSimpleType

public abstract class UserDefinedType
extends SchemaStructure
implements Serializable, UserSchemaComponent, SchemaType

This class represents a user-defined simple type or complex type as defined in XML Schema.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Set<UserComplexType> extendedTypes
          The set of all the types that are derived by extension from this type
protected  int finalProhibitions
          Flags used to implement the "final" and "block" attributes
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
          Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
 void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType type, int block)
          Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
 boolean containingDeclarationIsElement()
          Determine whether the containing declaration is an element declaration or an attribute declaration
 SchemaType getBaseType()
          Returns the base type that this type inherits from.
 int getBaseTypeFingerprint()
          Get the fingerprint of the name of the base type of this type
 TypeReference getBaseTypeReference()
          Get the reference to the base type.
 int getBlock()
          Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST and SchemaType.DERIVATION_EXTENSION
 int getContainingDeclarationName()
          Get the name of the containing element or attribute declaration, if any (and if known).
 int getDerivationMethod()
          Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent.
 String getDescription()
          Get a description of this type for use in diagnostics.
 String getDisplayName()
          Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix
 int getFingerprint()
          Get the fingerprint of the name of this type
 String getLocalName()
          Deprecated. since 9.0: use the equivalent method getName()
 String getName()
          Get the local name of this type if it has one.
 int getNameCode()
          Get the namecode of the name of this type.
 NamePool getNamePool()
          Get the NamePool in which the name of this type is defined
 String getTargetNamespace()
          Get the namespace URI of the name of this type if it has one.
 boolean hasRegisteredExtension(UserComplexType extension)
          Determine whether a particular complex type is among the registered extensions of this type
 boolean isAnonymousType()
          Test whether this is an anonymous type
 boolean isComplexType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type
 boolean isExternalType()
          Return true if this is an external object type, that is, a Saxon-defined type for external Java or .NET objects
 boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
          Test whether this is the same type as another type.
 Iterator<UserComplexType> iterateExtensionTypes()
          Iterate over all the types defined as extensions of this type, transitively
protected  void registerExtensionType(UserComplexType derived)
          Register another type as an extension of this type
 void setBaseTypeReference(TypeReference baseType)
          Sets the base type for this datatype.
 void setContainingDeclaration(int fingerprint, boolean isElement)
          Set the name of the containing declaration (for diagnostics)
 void setDerivationMethod(int method)
          Sets the derivation method code (without validating it)
 void setDerivationMethodName(String method)
          Set the derivation method name.
 void setExtendedTypes(Set<UserComplexType> types)
          Set the set of types derived by extension from this one
 void setFinalProhibitions(int finalValue)
          Sets the value of the 'final' property, indicating which types of derivation are not allowed.
 void setNameCode(int nameCode)
          Set the nameCode of the name of this type.
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
elaborate, fixup, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getFixupStatus, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getRedefinitionLevel, getSchemaDocumentURI, getSystemId, getValidationStatus, lookForCycles, setConfiguration, setFixupStatus, setLineNumber, setLocator, setRedefinitionLevel, setSchemaDocumentURI, setSystemId, setValidationStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.UserSchemaComponent
elaborate, fixup, lookForCycles, validate
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
analyzeContentExpression, atomize, getSystemId, getTypedValue, isAtomicType, isIdRefType, isIdType, isSimpleType
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
getRedefinitionLevel, getValidationStatus

Field Detail


protected int finalProhibitions
Flags used to implement the "final" and "block" attributes


protected Set<UserComplexType> extendedTypes
The set of all the types that are derived by extension from this type

Constructor Detail


public UserDefinedType()
Default constructor. For internal use only.

Method Detail


public String getName()
Get the local name of this type if it has one. Returns a conventional system-allocated namespace if the type is anonymous.

Specified by:
getName in interface SchemaType
the target namespace of the type component. Never null.


public String getTargetNamespace()
Get the namespace URI of the name of this type if it has one. Returns a conventional system-allocated namespace if the type is anonymous.

Specified by:
getTargetNamespace in interface SchemaType
the target namespace of the type component. Never null.


public boolean isExternalType()
Return true if this is an external object type, that is, a Saxon-defined type for external Java or .NET objects

false (for this class)


public int getFingerprint()
Get the fingerprint of the name of this type

Specified by:
getFingerprint in interface SchemaType
the fingerprint. Returns an invented fingerprint for an anonymous type.


public int getNameCode()
Get the namecode of the name of this type. This includes the prefix from the original type declaration: in the case of built-in types, this will be a conventional prefix such as "xs" or "xdt".

Specified by:
getNameCode in interface SchemaType
the namecode. Returns an invented namecode for an anonymous type.


public boolean isAnonymousType()
Test whether this is an anonymous type

Specified by:
isAnonymousType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is an anonymous type


public void setNameCode(int nameCode)
Set the nameCode of the name of this type. For internal use only.

nameCode - the nameCode allocated in the namepool for this schema


public TypeReference getBaseTypeReference()
Get the reference to the base type. The result is never null, except in the case of the type AnyType, which is the root of the type hierarchy.

a reference to the base type


public int getBaseTypeFingerprint()
Get the fingerprint of the name of the base type of this type

the fingerprint. Return an invented fingerprint for an anonymous type.


public String getLocalName()
Deprecated. since 9.0: use the equivalent method getName()

Get the local name of this type

the local part of the name, or null if the type is anonymous


public String getDisplayName()
Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix

Specified by:
getDisplayName in interface SchemaType
a lexical QName identifying the type


public final boolean isComplexType()
Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type

Specified by:
isComplexType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is a complex type


public int getBlock()
Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST and SchemaType.DERIVATION_EXTENSION

Specified by:
getBlock in interface SchemaType
the value of the 'block' attribute for this type


public NamePool getNamePool()
Get the NamePool in which the name of this type is defined

the name pool


public SchemaType getBaseType()
                       throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Returns the base type that this type inherits from. If this type is a Simpletype that is a built in primitive type then null is returned.

Specified by:
getBaseType in interface SchemaType
the base type.
UnresolvedReferenceException - if this type has no known base type. This can only arise during schema construction, since a type with an unknown base type cannot be used for validation


public void setBaseTypeReference(TypeReference baseType)
Sets the base type for this datatype. For internal use only.

baseType - the base type which this type inherits from


public int getDerivationMethod()
Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent. Returns zero for primitive types.

Specified by:
getDerivationMethod in interface SchemaType
a numeric code representing the derivation method, for example SchemaType.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION


public boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property

Specified by:
allowsDerivation in interface SchemaType
derivation - the kind of derivation, for example SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST
true if this kind of derivation is allowed


public void setDerivationMethodName(String method)
                             throws SchemaException
Set the derivation method name. For internal use only.

method - the derivation method, for example "restriction"
SchemaException - for an unknown derivation method


public void setDerivationMethod(int method)
Sets the derivation method code (without validating it)

method - the derivation method as an integer code, for example SchemaType.DERIVATION_UNION


public void setFinalProhibitions(int finalValue)
Sets the value of the 'final' property, indicating which types of derivation are not allowed. For internal use only.

finalValue - the value of the final property, as a bit-significant integer


public void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType type,
                                    int block)
                             throws SchemaException
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type

Specified by:
checkTypeDerivationIsOK in interface SchemaType
type - the type from which this type is derived
block - the derivations that are blocked by the relevant element declaration
SchemaException - if the derivation is not allowed


public void setContainingDeclaration(int fingerprint,
                                     boolean isElement)
Set the name of the containing declaration (for diagnostics)

fingerprint - The fingerprint of the element or attribute declaration "owning" this anonymous type definition
isElement - True if the owning declaration is an element declaration, false if it is an attribute declaration


public String getDescription()
Get a description of this type for use in diagnostics. In the case of a named type, this is the same as the display name. In the case of a type known to be defined immediately within an element or attribute declaration, it is a phrase that identifies the containing declaration. In other cases, it is a phrase of the form "defined at line L of URI". The description is designed to be inserted in a context such as "the type X is ..."

Specified by:
getDescription in interface SchemaType
text identifing the type, for use in a phrase such as "the type XXXX".


public int getContainingDeclarationName()
Get the name of the containing element or attribute declaration, if any (and if known).

the name of the containing declaration, as a NamePool fingerprint.


public boolean containingDeclarationIsElement()
Determine whether the containing declaration is an element declaration or an attribute declaration

true if the containin declaration is an element declaration, false if it is an attribute


public boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
Test whether this is the same type as another type. They are considered to be the same type if they are derived from the same type definition in the original XML representation (which can happen when there are multiple includes of the same file)

Specified by:
isSameType in interface SchemaType
other - the other type
true if this is the same type as other


protected void registerExtensionType(UserComplexType derived)
Register another type as an extension of this type

derived - the type that is derived from this one by extension


public Iterator<UserComplexType> iterateExtensionTypes()
Iterate over all the types defined as extensions of this type, transitively

an iterator over the complex types derived by extension from this type, either directly or indirectly


public boolean hasRegisteredExtension(UserComplexType extension)
Determine whether a particular complex type is among the registered extensions of this type

extension - the type to be tested to see whether it is an extension of this one
true if the specified type is derived by extension from this type


public void setExtendedTypes(Set<UserComplexType> types)
Set the set of types derived by extension from this one

types - the set of extended types

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