Class UserListType

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
          extended by com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
              extended by com.saxonica.schema.UserListType
All Implemented Interfaces:
SerializableSchemaComponent, UserSchemaComponent, Serializable, SourceLocator, ListType, SchemaComponent, SchemaType, SimpleType

public class UserListType
extends UserSimpleType
implements ListType

Represents a SimpleType that is a list of a given SimpleType, known as its itemType. A ListType may be a restriction of another ListType; the itemType must either be an AtomicType or a UnionType whose members are not list types.

This class is not used to implement the built-in list types NMTOKENS, ENTITIES, IDREFS.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
extendedTypes, finalProhibitions
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SimpleType
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Constructor Summary
UserListType(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
          Create a new user-defined ListType.
Method Summary
protected  List<Facet> addInheritedFacets(List<Facet> localFacets)
          Get the extended facet list, creating it if necessary.
 void elaborate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Elaborate the schema component: after reloading a serialized schema component model, this expands the component with derived information needed during validation episodes.
 SimpleType getItemType()
          Returns the simpleType of the items in this ListType.
 TypeReference getItemTypeReference()
          Get the reference to the item type of the list
 SequenceIterator<AtomicValue> getTypedValue(CharSequence value, NamespaceResolver resolver, ConversionRules rules)
          Get the typed value of a given input string.
 boolean isAtomicType()
          Test whether this Simple Type is an atomic type
 boolean isBuiltInType()
          Determine whether this is a built-in type or a user-defined type
 boolean isIdRefType()
          Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type.
 boolean isIdType()
          Ask whether this type is an ID type.
 boolean isListType()
          Returns true if this type is derived by list, or if it is derived by restriction from a list type, or if it is a union that contains a list as one of its members
 boolean isNamespaceSensitive()
          Test whether this simple type is namespace-sensitive, that is, whether the item types is derived from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION
 void serializeVariety(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
          Serialize the schema component
 void setItemTypeReference(TypeReference type)
          Sets the itemType for this ListType (the type of item that instances of this list type contain).
 ValidationFailure validateContent(CharSequence value, NamespaceResolver nsResolver, ConversionRules rules)
          Check whether a given input string is valid according to this SimpleType
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
addFacet, analyzeContentExpression, applyWhitespaceNormalization, atomize, checkAgainstFacets, checkTypeDerivationIsOK, convertFacetValues, getBuiltInBaseType, getExtendedFacetList, getFacet, getFacets, getLocalFacetList, getTypedValue, getWhitespaceAction, isSimpleType, isTypeDerivationOK, isUnionType, mergeEnumerationFacets, postprocess, preprocess, serialize, setFacetList, validate
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
allowsDerivation, containingDeclarationIsElement, getBaseType, getBaseTypeFingerprint, getBaseTypeReference, getBlock, getContainingDeclarationName, getDerivationMethod, getDescription, getDisplayName, getFingerprint, getLocalName, getName, getNameCode, getNamePool, getTargetNamespace, hasRegisteredExtension, isAnonymousType, isComplexType, isExternalType, isSameType, iterateExtensionTypes, registerExtensionType, setBaseTypeReference, setContainingDeclaration, setDerivationMethod, setDerivationMethodName, setExtendedTypes, setFinalProhibitions, setNameCode
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
fixup, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getFixupStatus, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getRedefinitionLevel, getSchemaDocumentURI, getSystemId, getValidationStatus, lookForCycles, setConfiguration, setFixupStatus, setLineNumber, setLocator, setRedefinitionLevel, setSchemaDocumentURI, setSystemId, setValidationStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SimpleType
getBuiltInBaseType, getWhitespaceAction, isExternalType, isUnionType, postprocess, preprocess
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
allowsDerivation, analyzeContentExpression, atomize, checkTypeDerivationIsOK, getBaseType, getBlock, getDerivationMethod, getDescription, getDisplayName, getFingerprint, getName, getNameCode, getSystemId, getTargetNamespace, getTypedValue, isAnonymousType, isComplexType, isSameType, isSimpleType
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
getRedefinitionLevel, getValidationStatus
Methods inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.UserSchemaComponent
fixup, lookForCycles

Constructor Detail


public UserListType(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
Create a new user-defined ListType.

config - the Saxon configuration
Method Detail


public boolean isAtomicType()
Test whether this Simple Type is an atomic type

Specified by:
isAtomicType in interface SchemaType
Specified by:
isAtomicType in interface SimpleType
isAtomicType in class UserSimpleType
false, this is not an atomic type


public boolean isIdType()
Ask whether this type is an ID type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:ID: that is, it includes types derived from ID by restriction, list, or union. Note that for a node to be treated as an ID in XSD 1.0, its typed value must be a *single* atomic value of type ID; the type of the node, however, can still allow a list. But in XSD 1.1, a list of IDs is permitted

Specified by:
isIdType in interface SchemaType
isIdType in class UserSimpleType
true if this type is an ID type


public boolean isIdRefType()
Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:IDREF: that is, it includes types derived from IDREF or IDREFS by restriction, list, or union

Specified by:
isIdRefType in interface SchemaType
isIdRefType in class UserSimpleType
true if this type is an IDREF type


public boolean isBuiltInType()
Determine whether this is a built-in type or a user-defined type

Specified by:
isBuiltInType in interface SimpleType
true if this is a built-in type


public boolean isListType()
Returns true if this type is derived by list, or if it is derived by restriction from a list type, or if it is a union that contains a list as one of its members

Specified by:
isListType in interface SimpleType
isListType in class UserSimpleType
true if this is a list type


protected List<Facet> addInheritedFacets(List<Facet> localFacets)
Get the extended facet list, creating it if necessary. The extended facet list includes facets inherited from supertypes, unless they are redundant

addInheritedFacets in class UserSimpleType
the extended facet list


public void elaborate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
               throws SchemaException
Description copied from class: UserSimpleType
Elaborate the schema component: after reloading a serialized schema component model, this expands the component with derived information needed during validation episodes. The model is assumed to be valid.

Specified by:
elaborate in interface UserSchemaComponent
elaborate in class UserSimpleType
compiler - the schema compiler
SchemaException - if a fatal error occurs


public TypeReference getItemTypeReference()
Get the reference to the item type of the list

the type reference


public SimpleType getItemType()
                       throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Returns the simpleType of the items in this ListType. This method assumes that the item type has been fully resolved

Specified by:
getItemType in interface ListType
the simpleType of the items in this ListType. This will either be an AtomicType or a UnionType
UnresolvedReferenceException - if the item type has not been fully resolved


public void setItemTypeReference(TypeReference type)
Sets the itemType for this ListType (the type of item that instances of this list type contain). For internal use only.

type - the SimpleType for this ListType.


public ValidationFailure validateContent(CharSequence value,
                                         NamespaceResolver nsResolver,
                                         ConversionRules rules)
Check whether a given input string is valid according to this SimpleType

Specified by:
validateContent in interface SimpleType
value - the input string to be checked
nsResolver - a namespace resolver used to resolve namespace prefixes if the type is namespace sensitive. The value supplied may be null; in this case any namespace-sensitive content will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
rules - the conversion rules used in this configuration
null if validation succeeds; return a ValidationException describing the validation failure if validation fails, unless throwException is true, in which case the exception is thrown rather than being returned.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the type is namespace-sensitive and no namespace resolver is supplied


public SequenceIterator<AtomicValue> getTypedValue(CharSequence value,
                                                   NamespaceResolver resolver,
                                                   ConversionRules rules)
                                            throws ValidationException
Get the typed value of a given input string. This method assumes that the input value is valid according to this SimpleType

Specified by:
getTypedValue in interface SimpleType
value - the string whose typed value is required
resolver - namespace resolver
rules - the conversion rules used in this configuration
the typed value as an iterator
ValidationException - if the input is invalid against this type


public boolean isNamespaceSensitive()
Test whether this simple type is namespace-sensitive, that is, whether the item types is derived from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION

Specified by:
isNamespaceSensitive in interface SimpleType
true if the item type is derived from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION


public void serializeVariety(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
                      throws XPathException
Serialize the schema component

Specified by:
serializeVariety in class UserSimpleType

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