Class SelectionParser

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.ExpressionParser
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SelectionParser

public class SelectionParser
extends ExpressionParser

This class parses the two XPath subsets defined in XML Schema for handling the "selector" and "field" attributes of the , , and elements.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.ExpressionParser
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.ExpressionParser
allowXPath30Syntax, defaultContainer, env, language, languageVersion, nameChecker, rangeVariables, scanOnly, SEQUENCE_TYPE, t, XPATH, XQUERY, XSLT_PATTERN
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Expression parseRelativePath()
          Parse a relative path (a sequence of steps).
 Pattern parseSelector(String expression, StaticContext env, boolean isField)
          Parse a string representing the restricted XPath expression allowed in an XML Schema selector or field attribute
protected  Expression parseStepExpression()
          Override the general XPath parsing of a StepExpression to support the simpler kind of Step used in XML Schema selectors
protected  Expression parseUnionExpression()
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.ExpressionParser
atStartOfRelativePath, currentTokenDisplay, customizeTokenizer, declareRangeVariable, disallowedAtStartOfRelativePath, expect, findRangeVariable, getCodeInjector, getDefaultContainer, getLanguage, getNameChecker, getRangeVariables, getStaticContext, getTokenizer, grumble, grumble, grumble, grumble, grumble, isKeyword, isNamespaceTestAllowed, makeCurriedFunction, makeLocalNameTest, makeNameCode, makeNameCodeSilently, makeNamespaceTest, makeNameTest, makeNodeName, makeStringLiteral, makeStructuredQName, makeTracer, nextToken, normalizeEQName, parse, parseBasicStep, parseBinaryExpression, parseConstructor, parseDynamicFunctionCall, parseExpression, parseExprSingle, parseExtensionExpression, parseFLWORExpression, parseFunctionArgument, parseFunctionCall, parseFunctionItemType, parseInlineFunction, parseItemType, parseLiteralFunctionItem, parseMapExpression, parseMapItemType, parseNodeTest, parseNumericLiteral, parseParenthesizedItemType, parsePathExpression, parsePredicate, parseRemainingPath, parseSequenceType, parseSequenceType, parseStepExpression, parseStringLiteral, parseSwitchExpression, parseTryCatchExpression, parseTypePattern, parseTypeswitchExpression, parseValidateExpression, parseVariableReference, reportMissingFunction, resolveFunctionName, setCodeInjector, setDefaultContainer, setLanguage, setLocation, setLocation, setRangeVariables, setRangeVariableStack, setScanOnly, undeclareRangeVariable, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SelectionParser()
Method Detail


public Pattern parseSelector(String expression,
                             StaticContext env,
                             boolean isField)
                      throws XPathException
Parse a string representing the restricted XPath expression allowed in an XML Schema selector or field attribute

expression - the expression expressed as a String
env - the static context for the expression
isField - true if the attribute is a "field" attribute, false if it is a "selector" attribute
an Expression object representing the result of parsing
XPathException - if the expression contains a syntax error


protected Expression parseUnionExpression()
                                   throws XPathException


protected Expression parseRelativePath()
                                throws XPathException
Description copied from class: ExpressionParser
Parse a relative path (a sequence of steps). Called when the current token immediately follows a separator (/ or //), or an implicit separator (XYZ is equivalent to ./XYZ)

parseRelativePath in class ExpressionParser
the resulting subexpression
XPathException - if any error is encountered


protected Expression parseStepExpression()
                                  throws XPathException
Override the general XPath parsing of a StepExpression to support the simpler kind of Step used in XML Schema selectors

an Expression, which will always be either an AxisExpression or a ContextItemExpression
XPathException - if parsing fails

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