Package com.saxonica.schema.sdoc

This package contains code used to import a schema.


Class Summary
AnnotationParent An abstract superclass for schema elements whose only permitted content is an Annotation element
FnNamespaceSchema This module constructs synthetically (that is, without reading an XML schema document) the schema components for the FN namespace: that is, the schema for the result document of the fn:analyze-string instruction introduced in XQuery 1.1
LSSchemaResolver This class is a SchemaURIResolver implemented as a wrapper around a JAXP LSResourceResolver
SaxonParam This object represents a saxon:param element in a schema document.
SaxonPreprocess saxon:preprocess is an implementation-defined pre-lexical facet as permitted by XML Schema 1.1.
SchemaDocument An XML document containing a module of an XML Schema.
SchemaDocumentTransformer Class that applies a standard transformation to a schema document: specifically, the chameleon transformation or the override transformation
SchemaElement An element in an XML Schema document.
SchemaNodeFactory Class SchemaNodeFactory.
SchemaReader A class for reading XML Schema documents.
SelectionParser This class parses the two XPath subsets defined in XML Schema for handling the "selector" and "field" attributes of the , , and elements.
SimpleTypeDefinition A simple type definition holds all the information about a simpleType during the course of schema processing.
UnknownElement An unknown element in an XML Schema document.
VersionControlFilter This is a filter inserted into the input pipeline for processing schema documents, whose task is to examine attributes such as vc:maxVersion and discard those parts of the schema document that are to be ignored because of those attributes.
XMLNamespaceSchema This module constructs synthetically (that is, without reading an XML schema document) the schema components for the XML namespace
XSDAlternative An xs:alternative element in a schema (see draft XML Schema 1.1 Part 1)
XSDAnnotation An xs:annotation element in an XML Schema document
XSDAny An xs:any element in an XML Schema document
XSDAnyAttribute An xs:anyAttribute element in an XML Schema document
XSDAssert An xs:assert or xs:assertion element in a schema (see draft XML Schema 1.1 Part 1)
XSDAttribute An xs:attribute element in a schema document
XSDAttributeGroup An xs:attributeGroup element in an XML Schema document
XSDComplexContent An xs:complexContent element in an XML Schema Document
XSDComplexContentRestriction An xs:restriction element that is a child of xs:complexContent within an XML Schema document
XSDComplexType An xs:complexType element in an XML Schema document
XSDCompositor An xs:sequence, xs:choice, or xs:all element in an XML Schema document
XSDDefaultOpenContent An element in an XML Schema document defining the default open content
XSDDocumentation An xs:documentation or xs:appinfo element in an XML Schema document
XSDElement An xs:element element in a schema document
XSDExtension An xs:extension element in a schema document
XSDFacet An element in an XML Schema document representing a facet, for example minLength or pattern or enumeration: any facet except assertion, which is represented by the XSDAssert class
XSDFieldOrSelector An xs:field or xs:selector element in an XML Schema document
XSDGroup An xs:group element in an XML Schema document
XSDIdentityConstraint An xs:unique, xs:key, or xs:keyref element in an XML Schema document
XSDImport An xs:import element in an XML Schema document
XSDInclude An xs:include element in an XML Schema document
XSDList This class represents an xs:list element in a schema document.
XSDNotation An element in an XML Schema document representing a notation declaration
XSDOpenContent An element in an XML Schema document defining the default open content
XSDOverride An xs:override element in an XML Schema Document
XSDRedefine An xs:redefine element in an XML Schema Document
XSDSchema An xs:schema element in an XML Schema document
XSDSimpleContent An xs:simpleContent element in an XML Schema document
XSDSimpleContentRestriction An xs:restriction element in an XML Schema document that appears as a child of an xs:simpleContent element
XSDSimpleType An xs:simple-type element in an XML Schema document
XSDSimpleTypeRestriction An xs:restriction element in an XML Schema Document, whose parent element is an xs:simpleType
XSDUnion An xs:union element in an XML Schema document
XSINamespaceSchema This module constructs synthetically (that is, without reading an XML schema document) the schema components for the XML namespace

Package com.saxonica.schema.sdoc Description

This package contains code used to import a schema.

Its task is to read a schema provided as a source XML document, to validate that it conforms to all the XML representation rules defined in the W3C XML Schema specification, and to construct a representation of the schema using the classes in package com.saxonica.schema. The classes in the importer package are transient, they are used only during the course of constructing the schema object model.

The process is analogous to the way stylesheets are built. Each schema document results in a Saxon tree. Each kind of element in the source schema is assigned to a specific class (a subclass of SchemaElement), which constructs the representation of the corresponding object in the schema object model.

Processing is in a number of phases:

  1. The tree is constructed (which performs XML validation and namespace validation)
  2. Attributes are processed and validated. At this stage the parent of a node is available but its siblings and children should not be accessed.
  3. Structural validation is performed by the validate() method. This is essentially responsible for checking that the schema document is structurally valid according to the schema for schemas.
  4. Semantic validation is carried out by the checkRepresentation() method. This is responsible for checking the rules in the XML Representation constraints.
  5. Schema components are constructed by the buildComponents() method.

There should be no need for user applications to use any of the classes in this package.

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