Package com.saxonica.serialize

This package contains additions to the serializer that are specific to Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.


Class Summary
Base64BinaryEmitter This emitter implements output method saxon:base64Binary.
BinaryEmitter This is an abstract superclass for the two binary output methods saxon:base64Binary and saxon:hexBinary.
DecimalCharacterReferenceGenerator A class that represents a character as a decimal character reference and writes the result to a supplied Writer.
HexBinaryEmitter This emitter implements output method saxon:hexBinary.
HTMLEntityReferenceGenerator A class that represents a character as a decimal character reference and writes the result to a supplied Writer.
HTMLIndenterPE HTMLIndenter with extra functionality used by Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE
SerializerFactoryPE Saxon-PE extensions to the serializer factory
XMLIndenterPE XMLIndenter with extra functionality for Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE
XQueryEmitter The XQueryEmitter is designed to serialize an XQuery that was originally embedded in an XML document.

Package com.saxonica.serialize Description

This package contains additions to the serializer that are specific to Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.

The bulk of the serialization code is in package net.sf.saxon.serialize. The classes in this package supplement this by adding Saxon-specific extensions, specifically binary serialization methods and a serialization method to generate XQuery syntax.

The class SerializerFactoryPE subclasses the standard serializer factory by extending it with Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE specific functionality. This class is used as the standard serializer factory when Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE are in use.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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