Package net.sf.saxon.serialize

This package contains code for serializing trees using the standard W3C-defined serialization methods (xml, html, text).


Interface Summary
CharacterReferenceGenerator A class that expands a character to a character reference, entity reference, etc, and writes the resulting reference to a writer

Class Summary
BinaryTextDecoder This class generates decodes processing instructions in text output that represent text encoded in base64 binary or hexBinary
CDATAFilter CDATAFilter: This ProxyEmitter converts character data to CDATA sections, if the character data belongs to one of a set of element types to be handled this way.
CharacterMap This class defines a character map, that is, a mapping from characters to strings used by the serializer when mapping individual characters in the output.
CharacterMapExpander CharacterMapExpander: This ProxyReceiver expands characters occurring in a character map, as specified by the XSLT 2.0 xsl:character-map declaration
CharacterMapIndex This class represents a set of named character maps.
Emitter Emitter: This abstract class defines methods that must be implemented by components that format SAXON output.
HexCharacterReferenceGenerator A class that represents a character as a hexadecimal character reference and writes the result to a supplied Writer
HTMLEmitter This class generates HTML output
HTMLIndenter HTMLIndenter: This ProxyEmitter indents HTML elements, by adding whitespace character data where appropriate.
HTMLTagHashSet A simple class for testing membership of a fixed set of case-insensitive ASCII strings.
HTMLURIEscaper This class is used as a filter on the serialization pipeline; it performs the function of escaping URI-valued attributes in HTML
ImplicitResultChecker This filter is inserted into the serializer pipeline when serializing an implicit XSLT result tree, that is, one that is created without use of xsl:result-document.
MessageEmitter MessageEmitter is the default Receiver for xsl:message output.
MessageWarner MessageWarner is a user-selectable receiver for XSLT xsl:message output.
MetaTagAdjuster The MetaTagAdjuster adds a meta element to the content of the head element, indicating the required content type and encoding; it also removes any existing meta element containing this information
TEXTEmitter This class generates TEXT output
UncommittedSerializer This class is used when the decision on which serialization method to use has to be delayed until the first element is read.
UnicodeNormalizer UnicodeNormalizer: This ProxyReceiver performs unicode normalization on the contents of attribute and text nodes.
UTF8Writer Specialized buffering UTF-8 writer.
XHTMLEmitter XHTMLEmitter is an Emitter that generates XHTML output.
XHTMLURIEscaper This class performs URI escaping for the XHTML output method.
XML10ContentChecker This class is used on the serialization pipeline to check that the document conforms to XML 1.0 rules.
XMLEmitter XMLEmitter is an Emitter that generates XML output to a specified destination.
XMLIndenter XMLIndenter: This ProxyReceiver indents elements, by adding character data where appropriate.

Package net.sf.saxon.serialize Description

This package contains code for serializing trees using the standard W3C-defined serialization methods (xml, html, text). Additional Saxon-specific serialization methods are in package com.saxonica.serialize.

Serialization in Saxon operates as a push-based event pipeline in which the components of the pipeline implement the Receiver interface. This defines a class that accepts a stream of events, with one method defined for each kind of event. The events are modelled on the design of SAX, but adapted to the XPath data model and to the use of Saxon's NamePool. Attributes and namespaces are notified individually after the start of the relevant element.

The pipeline for serialization is assembled by the SerializerFactory based on a supplied set of serialization parameters. Only those components needed for the chosen serialization parameters are included in the pipeline; for example, a Unicode normalizer is inserted at the appropriate place in the pipeline if Unicode normalization is requested in the serialization parameters.

The immediate output of node constructors in a query or stylesheet goes to a SequenceReceiver. This is a subclass of Receiver that can handle an arbitrary sequence, containing atomic values as well as nodes. When constructing the content of an element, a ComplexContentOutputter is used; when constructing the content of a node such as a text node or attribute, a SequenceOutputter is used instead.

The final serialization classes are subclasses of Emitter, but much of the serialization work (such as indentation or application of character maps) is done by other classes on the pipeline. These are generally constructed by extending the ProxyReceiver class.

The Emitter is an abstract implementation of the Receiver interface. As well as supporting the Receiver interface, it provides methods for controlling the destination of serialized output (a Writer or OutputStream) and for setting serialization properties (in a Properties object). In practice nearly all the implementations of Receiver are currently subclasses of Emitter, but this may change in the future.

The package includes emitters for the standard output methods xml, html, and text, and proxy emitters to allow a sequence of filters to be applied to the output.


Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Saxonica Limited. All rights reserved.