Package com.saxonica.schema.fsa

The package com.saxonica.fsa contains classes used to implement the finite state machines used when validating document instances against a schema.


Interface Summary
State A State is a dynamic state of the finite state machine.

Class Summary
AutomatonState Defines a state of a finite state machine used when validating an instance against a complex type.
CountingState A counting state is a dynamic object representing the combination of an AutomatonState and a counter value
DeterminizedState A state in a determinized finite state machine
Edge Internal class to represent the data associated with a transition: the element that triggers the transition, and the new state that results from the transition.
Edge.MaxOccursTerm Special singular Term identifying a transition to be used when the maxOccurs value of a counting state is reached.
FiniteStateMachine Class representing a finite state machine, as a collection of states with transitions between them.
NonDeterminizedState A state in the non-determinized finite state machine
SuffixState The state of a finite state machine that is processing "suffix" open content.

Package com.saxonica.schema.fsa Description

The package com.saxonica.fsa contains classes used to implement the finite state machines used when validating document instances against a schema.

None of these classes will be used by typical user applications.

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