Class ComplexNodeEventFeed

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComplexNodeEventFeed
extends EventFeed

This event feed supports instructions that create a document or element node. The events representing the start and end of the element or document are written to the destination receiver during the open() and close() calls. Between these two calls, the child instruction representing the content of the document or element pushes its output to the same destination receiver.

The instruction-dependent code is contained in the processLeft() and processRight() methods of the expression object, which must be a DivisibleInstruction

Constructor Summary
ComplexNodeEventFeed(Expression exp, Feed parentExpressionFeed, Stack<XPathContext> contextStack)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Finish evaluating the expression.
 void open()
          Start evaluating the expression.
Methods inherited from class
append, getContext, getContextStack, getExpression, getPipelineConfiguration, getResult, setPipelineConfiguration
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComplexNodeEventFeed(Expression exp,
                            Feed parentExpressionFeed,
                            Stack<XPathContext> contextStack)
Method Detail


public void open()
          throws XPathException
Description copied from class: EventFeed
Start evaluating the expression. This must call open() on the parent expression feed before it does anything else. For the default implementation, this is all that it does. Note that it does not open the destination receiver.

Specified by:
open in interface Feed
open in class EventFeed
XPathException - to report any failure


public void close()
           throws XPathException
Description copied from class: EventFeed
Finish evaluating the expression. This must call close() on the parent expression feed as the last thing it does. For the default implementation, this is all that it does. Note that it does not close the destination receiver.

Specified by:
close in interface Feed
close in class EventFeed
XPathException - to report any failure

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