Interface Feed

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed, AtomizerFeed, AvgFeed, BufferingFeed, CardinalityCheckingFeed, ComplexNodeEventFeed, CountFeed, DecomposingFeed, DistinctValuesFeed, EmptyTextNodeRemoverFeed, EventFeed, FilterExpressionFeed, ForEachFeed, ForkingFeed, GeneralComparisonFeed, ItemFeed, ItemMappingFeed, MinimaxFeed, NextIterationFeed, SimpleNodeConstructorFeed, StringJoinFeed, SumFeed, WithParamFeed

public interface Feed

A Feed is a SequenceReceiver that accepts a sequence of items in composed form: it rejects events such as startElement and endElement that represent "decomposed" nodes in the data model. Typically it computes some result based on this sequence, which is either passed on to another Feed in a pipeline, or is available through a subclass-specific method on completion.

Method Summary
 void append(Item item)
          Supply an item to the feed
 void close()
          Signal the end of the sequence of items
 PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
          Get the pipeline configuration
 void open()
          Signal the start of a sequence of items

Method Detail


PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
Get the pipeline configuration

the pipeline configuration


void open()
          throws XPathException
Signal the start of a sequence of items

XPathException - to report any failure


void append(Item item)
            throws XPathException
Supply an item to the feed

item - the item being fed
XPathException - to report any failure


void close()
           throws XPathException
Signal the end of the sequence of items

XPathException - to report any failure

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