Package com.saxonica.update

This package contains classes used to support XQuery Update.


Class Summary
BasicUpdatingExpression A basic updating expression: insert, replace, delete, rename (but not copy)
CopyModifyExpression A copy-modify expression (called a "transform" expression in the XQuery Update specification)
DeleteAction A pending update action representing the effect of a delete expression
DeleteExpression A delete expression in XQuery Update
InsertAction A pending update action representing the effect of an insert expression
InsertAttributeAction A pending update action representing the insert attribute action.
InsertExpression An insert expression in XQuery Update
PendingUpdateAction A pending update action, such as is found on a pending update list
PendingUpdateListImpl Concrete implementation of the Pending Update List
PutAction A saved put() call on the pending update list.
RenameAction A pending update action representing the effect of a rename expression
RenameExpression A rename expression in XQuery Update
ReplaceAttributeAction A pending update action representing a replace node expression applied to an attribute.
ReplaceNodeAction A pending update action representing the effect of a "replace node" expression
ReplaceNodeExpression A "replace node" expression in XQuery Update
ReplaceValueAction A pending update action representing the effect of a "replace value" expression.
ReplaceValueExpression A "replace value of" expression in XQuery Update
UpdateParser Parser for the XQuery Update extensions

Package com.saxonica.update Description

This package contains classes used to support XQuery Update. This includes both compile-time classes and run-time support.

None of these classes will be used directly by typical user applications.

The UpdateParser is a subclass of QueryParser, and contains the additional code needed to parse the Update extensions to the XQuery grammar.

Classes such as InsertExpression, DeleteExpression , RenameExpression represent updating expressions on the expression tree.

The class PendingUpdateListImpl represents the run-time pending update list, and the classes InsertAction, DeleteAction, RenameAction and so on are entries on this list.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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