
This package contains defines the two interfaces Watch and WatchMaker, and various implementations of these interfaces.


Interface Summary
Watch A Watch represents a class that is interested in looking at nodes passing down a push pipeline.
WatchMaker A WatchMaker is a factory class for creating a Watch.

Class Summary
ApplyImportsWatch Watch for an xsl:apply-imports instruction.
ApplyTemplatesWatch This watch implements xsl:apply-templates in streaming mode.
ComposingWatch A ComposingWatch is a Watch that evaluates an expression based on the nodes encountered in a streamed input document, passing the value of that expression as a sequence of items to an ItemFeed.
CopyOfWatch This class is used when optimizing a SequentialCopy, that is, when evaluating a construct of the form saxon:stream(doc('a.xml')/a/b/c).
CountWatch This class is used when a streamed template requests evaluation of the count() function applied to a streamable pattern
EmptyWatch Streaming watch supporting the empty() function
EventPushingWatch A EvaluatingWatch is a Watch that evaluates an expression based on the nodes encountered in a streamed input document, appending the value of that expression to the Watch for the next expression in the streaming route.
ExistsWatch Streaming watch supporting the exists() function
ForEachComposingWatch This watch implements xsl:for-each in streaming mode, in the case where the select expression is a pattern that selects events from the streamed input, but the body of the for-each does no further downwards navigation, and delivers composed items to an ItemFeed acting as the parent expression of the for-each.
ForEachWatch This watch implements xsl:for-each in streaming mode.
ForkingFeed Watch for an xsl:fork instruction.
IterateWatch This watch implements xsl:iterate in streaming mode.
NextMatchWatch Watch for an xsl:next-match instruction.
NonstreamingExpressionWatch This watch is used for a streamed template that makes no access to descendant nodes.
SimpleContentWatch This class is used when a streaming template requests evaluation of a simple content constructor in streaming mode (that is, when it constructs a text, attribute, comment, or PI node based on the contents of the streamed document).
StringValueAccumulator A StringValueAccumulator is a Receiver that computes the string value of an element in streaming mode, by copying all the text nodes to a supplied receiver.
StringValueWatch This class is used when a streamed template requests evaluation of the string value of the nodes selected by a path expression, typically in response to an xsl:value-of instruction.
TypedValueWatch This class is used when a streamed template requests evaluation of the typed value of the nodes selected by a path expression.
VoidWatch This class is a Watch that always returns an empty sequence as its result.
VoidWatchMaker A singleton WatchMaker that returns the singleton VoidWatch
WatchManager This class sits on a push pipeline and evaluates the passing element and attribute nodes.

Package Description

This package contains defines the two interfaces Watch and WatchMaker, and various implementations of these interfaces.

A Watch is used on a streaming pipeline to recognize specific events, such as the start of a selected element, and to take action when these events occur. A WatchMaker is a factory class for creating a particular kind of Watch. The WatchManager is a class that sits on the Receiver pipeline keeping track of which Watches are active, and notifying them of events so that they can decide whether they are of interest.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
28 November 2011

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