Class SimpleContentWatch

  extended by com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleContentWatch
extends ComposingWatch
implements Watch

This class is used when a streaming template requests evaluation of a simple content constructor in streaming mode (that is, when it constructs a text, attribute, comment, or PI node based on the contents of the streamed document). The result of this Watch is a single string, constructed using the rules of "Constructing Simple Content" in the XSLT specification.

The AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed is used when the node is constructed as a result of a computation on the streamed data, for example xsl:value-of select="distinct-values(.//@price)". By contrast, a SimpleContentWatch is used when the streamed nodes are selected directly, for example xsl:value-of select=".//@price".

Both a Feed and a Watch are needed because a simple content constructor operates on a sequence of nodes without simply atomizing the sequence.

Constructor Summary
SimpleContentWatch(Feed result, Stack<XPathContext> contextStack)
Method Summary
 void close()
          The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
 void endSelectedParentNode(int locationId)
          Signal that the endElement event has occurred for the element whose startElement event caused the Watch to be activated.
 void notifySelectedLeafNode(FleetingNode node, int locationId)
          Signal that a node (other than an element) that matches the selection has been found.
 Receiver startSelectedParentNode(FleetingNode node, int locationId)
          Signal that an element has been found that matches the selection that this Watch is looking for.
Methods inherited from class
getContext, getContextStack, getResult, open
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
getAnchorNode, getNamespaceResolver, getPipelineConfiguration, getSelection, setAnchorNode, setNamespaceResolver, setPipelineConfiguration, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getAnchorNode, getNamespaceResolver, getPipelineConfiguration, getSelection, open, setAnchorNode, setNamespaceResolver, setPipelineConfiguration, setSelection

Constructor Detail


public SimpleContentWatch(Feed result,
                          Stack<XPathContext> contextStack)
Method Detail


public Receiver startSelectedParentNode(FleetingNode node,
                                        int locationId)
                                 throws XPathException
Signal that an element has been found that matches the selection that this Watch is looking for. This method is called by the ConstraintChecker while processing the startElement event that matches the selection. For this purpose, any attributes selected by the last step in the selection are ignored

Specified by:
startSelectedParentNode in interface Watch
node -
locationId - @throws net.sf.saxon.type.ValidationException May be raised if the constraint implemented by this Watch is violated
a Receiver to be notified of all events starting with the startElement/startDocument event for the matched element, and ending with the endElement event for that element.
ValidationException - May be raised if the constraint implemented by this Watch is violated


public void endSelectedParentNode(int locationId)
                           throws XPathException
Signal that the endElement event has occurred for the element whose startElement event caused the Watch to be activated.

Specified by:
endSelectedParentNode in interface Watch
locationId - the location of the element
ValidationException - May be raised if the constraint implemented by this Watch is violated @param locationId
XPathException - May be raised if a constraint implemented by this Watch is violated


public void notifySelectedLeafNode(FleetingNode node,
                                   int locationId)
                            throws XPathException
Signal that a node (other than an element) that matches the selection has been found.

Specified by:
notifySelectedLeafNode in interface Watch
notifySelectedLeafNode in class AbstractWatch
node - the node that was matched.
locationId -


public final void close()
                 throws XPathException
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.

Specified by:
close in interface Watch
close in class ComposingWatch

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