Class AbstractWatch

  extended by com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComposingWatch, EventPushingWatch, FieldWatch, SelectorWatch

public abstract class AbstractWatch
extends Object
implements Watch

A Watch represents a class that is interested in looking at nodes for the purpose of evaluating uniqueness and key constraints. A SelectorWatch looks for the nodes that match the selector in a unique, key, or keyref constraint. There are two concrete subclasses: one for key/unique, the other for keyref

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void close()
          The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
 FleetingNode getAnchorNode()
          Get the anchor node for the watch.
 NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
          Get the namespace resolver in use by the Watch
 PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
          Get the pipeline configuration in use
 Pattern getSelection()
          Get the selection (that is, the restricted XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for
 void notifySelectedLeafNode(FleetingNode node, int locationId)
          Signal that a node (other than an element) that matches the selection has been found.
 void open()
          Open the watch.
 void setAnchorNode(FleetingNode anchor)
          Set the anchor node for the watch.
 void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Set a NamespaceResolver for use by the Watch
 void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
          Set the PipelineConfiguration in use
 void setSelection(Pattern selection)
          Set the selection (that is, the streamable XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
endSelectedParentNode, startSelectedParentNode

Constructor Detail


public AbstractWatch()
Method Detail


public final void setSelection(Pattern selection)
Set the selection (that is, the streamable XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for

Specified by:
setSelection in interface Watch
selection - the streamable XPath expression


public final Pattern getSelection()
Get the selection (that is, the restricted XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for

Specified by:
getSelection in interface Watch
the selection


public final void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
Set the PipelineConfiguration in use

Specified by:
setPipelineConfiguration in interface Watch
pipe - the PipelineConfiguration in use


public PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
Get the pipeline configuration in use

Specified by:
getPipelineConfiguration in interface Watch
the pipeline configuration


public final void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
Set a NamespaceResolver for use by the Watch

Specified by:
setNamespaceResolver in interface Watch
resolver - the namespace resolver to be used


public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
Get the namespace resolver in use by the Watch

Specified by:
getNamespaceResolver in interface Watch
the namespace resolver


public void setAnchorNode(FleetingNode anchor)
Set the anchor node for the watch. This is the node to which the watch is scoped, typically the context node for the streamable path expression that defines the root of the subtree within which nodes are being sought.

Specified by:
setAnchorNode in interface Watch
anchor - The anchor node within which the watch is scoped


public FleetingNode getAnchorNode()
Get the anchor node for the watch. This is the node to which the watch is scoped, typically the context node for the streamable path expression that defines the root of the subtree within which nodes are being sought.

Specified by:
getAnchorNode in interface Watch
The anchor node within which the watch is scoped


public void open()
          throws XPathException
Open the watch. This is done at the point where it first starts watching for nodes that match the selection.

Specified by:
open in interface Watch


public void notifySelectedLeafNode(FleetingNode node,
                                   int locationId)
                            throws XPathException
Signal that a node (other than an element) that matches the selection has been found.

Specified by:
notifySelectedLeafNode in interface Watch
node - the node that was matched.
locationId - the location for use in error messages


public void close()
           throws XPathException
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope. The default implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
close in interface Watch

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