Class RefSelectorWatch

  extended by com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
      extended by com.saxonica.validate.SelectorWatch
          extended by com.saxonica.validate.RefSelectorWatch
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RefSelectorWatch
extends SelectorWatch

This class watches the selector for a keyref constraint

Constructor Summary
RefSelectorWatch(ConstraintChecker checker, KeyRef constraint)
          Create a watch for values that might satisfy a keyref constraint
Method Summary
 void close()
          The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
 void notifyActualKey(Value[] keyValue, int locationId)
          Notify a value selected by this KeyRef
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.validate.SelectorWatch
addFieldValue, checkRow, displayRow, endSelectedParentNode, getIdentityConstraint, reportValidationError, reportValidationError, startSelectedParentNode
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
getAnchorNode, getNamespaceResolver, getPipelineConfiguration, getSelection, notifySelectedLeafNode, open, setAnchorNode, setNamespaceResolver, setPipelineConfiguration, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getAnchorNode, getNamespaceResolver, getPipelineConfiguration, getSelection, notifySelectedLeafNode, open, setAnchorNode, setNamespaceResolver, setPipelineConfiguration, setSelection

Constructor Detail


public RefSelectorWatch(ConstraintChecker checker,
                        KeyRef constraint)
Create a watch for values that might satisfy a keyref constraint

checker - the ConstraintChecker that initiated this watch
constraint - the constraint being checked
Method Detail


public void notifyActualKey(Value[] keyValue,
                            int locationId)
                     throws ValidationException
Notify a value selected by this KeyRef

keyValue - an array holding the components (fields) making up the keyref value
locationId - the location of the node containing the keyref values


public void close()
           throws ValidationException
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope. This implementation searches the list of all key values encountered looking (a) for key references that reference no corresponding key value (b) for key references that reference more than one corresponding key value (which can happen if the keyref and the key are defined at different levels of hierarchy.

Specified by:
close in interface Watch
close in class SelectorWatch

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