Class StyleNodeFactoryPE

  extended by
      extended by com.saxonica.xsltextn.StyleNodeFactoryPE
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, NodeFactory

public class StyleNodeFactoryPE
extends StyleNodeFactory
implements NodeFactory

Class StyleNodeFactoryPE: Subclass of StyleNodeFactory used for Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.
A Factory for nodes in the stylesheet tree.
This version differs from the parent class in allowing extension elements to be constructed if the URI corresponds to an extension element factory registered in the Configuration; it also recognizes new XSLT elements defined in the (draft) specification of XSLT 3.0

Michael H. Kay
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  boolean allowExtensions
protected  IntHashMap<Class> userStyles
Fields inherited from class
config, namePool, processorVersion
Constructor Summary
StyleNodeFactoryPE(Configuration config)
          Create the node factory for representing an XSLT stylesheet as a tree structure
Method Summary
 boolean isElementAvailable(String uri, String localName)
          Method to support the element-available() function
 ElementImpl makeElementNode(NodeInfo parent, NodeName elementName, SchemaType elementType, boolean isNilled, AttributeCollectionImpl attlist, NamespaceBinding[] namespaces, int namespacesUsed, PipelineConfiguration pipe, int locationId, int sequence)
          Create an Element node.
protected  StyleElement makeXSLElement(int f)
          Make an XSL element node
Methods inherited from class
getXsltProcessorVersion, setXsltProcessorVersion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected IntHashMap<Class> userStyles


protected boolean allowExtensions
Constructor Detail


public StyleNodeFactoryPE(Configuration config)
Create the node factory for representing an XSLT stylesheet as a tree structure

config - the Saxon configuration
Method Detail


public ElementImpl makeElementNode(NodeInfo parent,
                                   NodeName elementName,
                                   SchemaType elementType,
                                   boolean isNilled,
                                   AttributeCollectionImpl attlist,
                                   NamespaceBinding[] namespaces,
                                   int namespacesUsed,
                                   PipelineConfiguration pipe,
                                   int locationId,
                                   int sequence)
Create an Element node. Note, if there is an error detected while constructing the Element, we add the element anyway, and return success, but flag the element with a validation error. This allows us to report more than one error from a single compilation.

Specified by:
makeElementNode in interface NodeFactory
makeElementNode in class StyleNodeFactory
parent - The parent element
elementName - The element name
elementType - The type annotation of the element
isNilled - true if the element is to be marked as nilled
attlist - The attribute collection, excluding any namespace attributes
namespaces - List of new namespace declarations for this element, as a sequence of namespace codes representing pairs of strings: (prefix1, uri1), (prefix2, uri2)...
namespacesUsed - the number of elemnts of the namespaces array actually used
pipe - The pipeline configuration (provides access to the error listener and the location provider)
locationId - Indicates the source document and line number containing the node
sequence - Sequence number to be assigned to represent document order.


protected StyleElement makeXSLElement(int f)
Description copied from class: StyleNodeFactory
Make an XSL element node

makeXSLElement in class StyleNodeFactory
f - the fingerprint of the node name
the constructed element node


public boolean isElementAvailable(String uri,
                                  String localName)
Method to support the element-available() function

isElementAvailable in class StyleNodeFactory
uri - the namespace URI
localName - the local Name
true if an extension element of this name is recognized

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