Package com.saxonica.xsltextn

This package contains classes used at compile time to support extensions to XSLT beyond 2.0: both facilities in the working draft of XSLT 3.0, and extensions specific to Saxon.


Interface Summary
ExtensionElementFactory Interface ExtensionElementFactory.

Class Summary
MergeEnumeration An iterator representing the sorted merge of two merge inputs, retaining all duplicates
MergeGroupingIterator An enumeration representing a nodeset that is a union of two other NodeSets.
MergeInstr.ItemWithMergeKeys Inner class representing an item together with its merge keys, suitable for encapsulation as an ObjectValue.
MergeInstr.MergeSource Inner class representing one merge source
SaxonAssign saxon:assign element in stylesheet.
SaxonCallTemplate A saxon:call-template element in the stylesheet.
SaxonCollation A saxon:collation element in the style sheet: this is a top-level element that defines details of a named collation.
SaxonDoctype A saxon:doctype element in the stylesheet.
SaxonElementFactory A Factory for Saxon extension nodes in the stylesheet tree.
SaxonElementFactoryEE A factory for Saxon-EE extension nodes in the stylesheet tree.
SaxonEntityRef A saxon:entity-ref element in the stylesheet.
SaxonImportQuery The class implements a saxon:import-query declaration in a stylesheet.
SaxonWhile Handler for saxon:while elements in stylesheet.
StyleNodeFactoryPE Class StyleNodeFactoryPE: Subclass of StyleNodeFactory used for Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.
XSLBreak A xsl:break element in the stylesheet, or (by subclassing) an xsl:next-iteration element
XSLBreakOrContinue Abstract class containing functionality common to xsl:break and xsl:next-iteration
XSLCatch Handler for xsl:catch elements in stylesheet.
XSLEvaluate Handler for xsl:evaluate elements in XSLT 3.0 stylesheet.
XSLFork Handler for xsl:fork elements in XSLT 3.0 stylesheet.
XSLIterate Handler for xsl:iterate elements in stylesheet.
XSLMerge Handler for xsl:merge elements in stylesheet.
XSLMergeKey An xsl:sort element in the stylesheet.
XSLMode Handler for xsl:mode elements in stylesheet.
XSLNextIteration An xsl:next-iteration element in the stylesheet
XSLOnCompletion An xsl:on-completion element in the stylesheet (XSLT 3.0).
XSLTry Handler for xsl:try elements in stylesheet.

Package com.saxonica.xsltextn Description

This package contains classes used at compile time to support extensions to XSLT beyond 2.0: both facilities in the working draft of XSLT 3.0, and extensions specific to Saxon.

These classes are generally implementations of StyleElement, representing elements on the stylesheet tree. They are instantiated using the factory class StyleNodeFactoryPE or SaxonElementFactoryEE as appropriate.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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