Interface BindingReference

All Known Implementing Classes:
Assign, LocalVariableReference, VariableReference

public interface BindingReference

BindingReference is a interface used to mark references to a variable declaration. The main implementation is VariableReference, which represents a reference to a variable in an XPath expression, but it is also used to represent a reference to a variable in a saxon:assign instruction.

Method Summary
 void fixup(Binding binding)
          Fix up this binding reference to a binding
 void setStaticType(SequenceType type, Value constantValue, int properties)
          Fix up the static type of this variable reference; optionally, supply a constant value for the variable.

Method Detail


void setStaticType(SequenceType type,
                   Value constantValue,
                   int properties)
Fix up the static type of this variable reference; optionally, supply a constant value for the variable. Also supplies other static properties of the expression to which the variable is bound, for example whether it is an ordered node-set.

type - The static type of the variable reference, typically either the declared type of the variable, or the static type of the expression to which the variable is bound
constantValue - if non-null, indicates that the value of the variable is known at compile time, and supplies the value
properties - static properties of the expression to which the variable is bound


void fixup(Binding binding)
Fix up this binding reference to a binding

binding - the Binding to which the variable refers

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