Interface Summary | |
Binding | Binding is a interface used to represent the run-time properties and methods associated with a variable: specifically, a method to get the value of the variable. |
BindingReference | BindingReference is a interface used to mark references to a variable declaration. |
CallableExpression | A generic interface for calling expressions by supplying the values of their subexpressions |
ComparisonExpression | Interface implemented by expressions that perform a comparison |
Container | A Container is something other than an expression that can act as the container of an expression. |
ContextMappingFunction<T extends Item> | ContextMappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a ContextMappingIterator. |
ContextSwitchingExpression | Interface implemented by expressions that switch the context, for example A/B or A[B] |
ItemMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item> | ItemMappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a ItemMappingIterator. |
LastPositionFinder<T extends Item> | A LastPositionFinder is an interface implemented by any SequenceIterator that is able to return the position of the last item in the sequence. |
MappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item> | MappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a MappingIterator. |
Negatable | This interface is implemented by expressions that returns a boolean value, and returns an expression whose result is the negated boolean value |
PendingUpdateList | A PendingUpdateList is created by updating expressions in XQuery Update. |
StatefulMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item> | MappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a MappingIterator. |
StaticContext | A StaticContext contains the information needed while an expression or pattern is being parsed. |
VariableDeclaration | Generic interface representing a variable declaration in the static context of an XPath expression. |
XPathContext | This class represents a context in which an XPath expression is evaluated. |
Class Summary | |
AdjacentTextNodeMerger | This class performs the first phase of processing in "constructing simple content": it takes an input sequence, eliminates empty text nodes, and combines adjacent text nodes into one. |
AnalyzeMappingFunction | Mapping function that maps the sequence of matching/non-matching strings to the sequence delivered by applying the matching-substring and non-matching-substring expressions respectively to each such string |
AndExpression | |
ArithmeticExpression | Arithmetic Expression: an expression using one of the operators plus, minus, multiply, div, idiv, mod. |
ArithmeticExpression10 | Arithmetic Expression: an expression using one of the operators
plus, minus, multiply, div, idiv, mod, in backwards
compatibility mode: see ArithmeticExpression for the non-backwards
compatible case. |
Assignation | Assignation is an abstract superclass for the kinds of expression that declare range variables: for, some, and every. |
AtomicSequenceConverter | An AtomicSequenceConverter is an expression that performs a cast on each member of a supplied sequence |
AtomicSequenceConverter.AtomicSequenceMappingFunction | Mapping function wrapped around a converter |
AtomicSequenceConverter.ToStringMappingFunction | Mapping function that converts every item in a sequence to a string |
AtomicSequenceConverter.UntypedConverter | |
Atomizer | An Atomizer is an expression corresponding essentially to the fn:data() function: it maps a sequence by replacing nodes with their typed values |
Atomizer.AtomizingFunction | Implement the mapping function. |
AxisAtomizingIterator | This iterator returns a sequence of atomic values, the result of atomizing the sequence of nodes returned by an underlying AxisIterator. |
AxisExpression | An AxisExpression is always obtained by simplifying a PathExpression. |
BinaryExpression | Binary Expression: a numeric or boolean expression consisting of the two operands and an operator |
BooleanExpression | Boolean expression: two truth values combined using AND or OR. |
Calculator | This class evaluates arithmetic expressions; it acts as a helper class to the ArithmeticExpression class. |
Calculator.AnyDivAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType div AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.AnyIdivAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType idiv AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.AnyMinusAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType - AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.AnyModAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType mod AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.AnyPlusAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType + AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.AnyTimesAny | Arithmetic: anyAtomicType * AnyAtomicType |
Calculator.DecimalDivDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal div decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DecimalIdivDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal idiv decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DecimalMinusDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal - decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DecimalModDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal mod decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DecimalPlusDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal + decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DecimalTimesDecimal | Arithmetic: decimal * decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer) |
Calculator.DoubleDivDouble | Arithmetic: double div double (including types that promote to double) |
Calculator.DoubleMinusDouble | Arithmetic: double - double (including types that promote to double) |
Calculator.DoubleModDouble | Arithmetic: double mod double (including types that promote to double) |
Calculator.DoublePlusDouble | Arithmetic: double + double (including types that promote to double) |
Calculator.DoubleTimesDouble | Arithmetic: double * double (including types that promote to double) |
Calculator.FloatDivFloat | Arithmetic: float div float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.FloatIdivFloat | Arithmetic: float idiv float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.FloatMinusFloat | Arithmetic: float - float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.FloatModFloat | Arithmetic: float mod float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.FloatPlusFloat | Arithmetic: float + float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.FloatTimesFloat | Arithmetic: float * float (including types that promote to float) |
Calculator.IntegerDivInteger | Arithmetic: integer div integer |
Calculator.IntegerIdivInteger | Arithmetic: integer idiv integer |
Calculator.IntegerMinusInteger | Arithmetic: integer - integer |
Calculator.IntegerModInteger | Arithmetic: integer mod integer |
Calculator.IntegerPlusInteger | Arithmetic: integer + integer |
Calculator.IntegerTimesInteger | Arithmetic: integer * integer |
CardinalityChecker | A CardinalityChecker implements the cardinality checking of "treat as": that is, it returns the supplied sequence, checking that its cardinality is correct |
CardinalityCheckingIterator | CardinalityCheckingIterator returns the items in an underlying sequence unchanged, but checks that the number of items conforms to the required cardinality. |
CastableExpression | Castable Expression: implements "Expr castable as atomic-type?". |
CastExpression | Cast Expression: implements "cast as data-type ( expression )". |
CastingExpression | Casting Expression: abstract superclass for "cast as X" and "castable as X", which share a good deal of logic |
CollationMap | This object maps collation URIs to collations. |
CompareToIntegerConstant | This class implements a comparison of a numeric value to an integer constant using one of the operators eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge. |
ContextItemExpression | This class represents the expression "(dot)", which always returns the context item. |
ContextMappingIterator<T extends Item> | ContextMappingIterator merges a sequence of sequences into a single flat sequence. |
CurrentItemExpression | The expression is generated when compiling the current() function in XSLT. |
DifferenceEnumeration | An enumeration representing a nodeset that is teh difference of two other NodeSets. |
EagerLetExpression | An EagerLetExpression is the same as a LetExpression except that the variable is evaluated using eager evaluation rather than lazy evaluation. |
EarlyEvaluationContext | This class is an implementation of XPathContext used when evaluating constant sub-expressions at compile time. |
EmptyTextNodeRemover | This class performs the first phase of processing in "constructing simple content": it takes an input sequence, eliminates empty text nodes, and combines adjacent text nodes into one. |
ErrorExpression | Error expression: this expression is generated when the supplied expression cannot be parsed, and the containing element enables forwards-compatible processing. |
ErrorIterator | A SequenceIterator that throws an exception as soon as its next() method is called. |
EveryItemMappingIterator | EveryItemMappingIterator applies a mapping function to each item in a sequence. |
Expression | Interface supported by an XPath expression. |
FilterExpression | A FilterExpression contains a base expression and a filter predicate, which may be an integer expression (positional filter), or a boolean expression (qualifier) |
FilterIterator | A CompiledFilterIterator filters an input sequence using a filter expression. |
FilterIterator.NonNumeric | Subclass to handle the common special case where it is statically known that the filter cannot return a numeric value |
FirstItemExpression | A FirstItemExpression returns the first item in the sequence returned by a given base expression |
ForExpression | A ForExpression maps an expression over a sequence. |
ForExpression.EventMappingAction | The EventMappingAction represents the action to be taken for each item in the source sequence. |
ForExpression.MappingAction | The MappingAction represents the action to be taken for each item in the source sequence. |
FunctionCall | Abstract superclass for calls to system-defined and user-defined functions |
GeneralComparison | GeneralComparison: a boolean expression that compares two expressions for equals, not-equals, greater-than or less-than. |
GeneralComparison10 | GeneralComparison10: a boolean expression that compares two expressions for equals, not-equals, greater-than or less-than. |
GeneralComparison20 | The class GeneralComparison20 specializes GeneralComparison for the case where the comparison is done with 2.0 semantics (i.e. |
HomogeneityChecker | This class is an expression that does a run-time check of the result of a "/" expression to ensure that (a) the results consists entirely of atomic values and function items, or entirely of nodes, and (b) if the results are nodes, then they are deduplicated and sorted into document order. |
IdentityComparison | IdentityComparison: a boolean expression that compares two nodes for equals, not-equals, greater-than or less-than based on identity and document ordering |
InstanceOfExpression | InstanceOf Expression: implements "Expr instance of data-type" |
IntegerRangeTest | An IntegerRangeTest is an expression of the form E = N to M where E is numeric, and N and M are both expressions of type integer. |
IntersectionEnumeration | An enumeration representing a nodeset that is an intersection of two other NodeSets. |
IsLastExpression | A position() eq last() expression, generated by the optimizer. |
ItemChecker | A ItemChecker implements the item type checking of "treat as": that is, it returns the supplied sequence, checking that all its items are of the correct type |
ItemMappingIterator<F extends Item,T extends Item> | ItemMappingIterator applies a mapping function to each item in a sequence. |
ItemTypeCheckingFunction<T extends Item> | A mapping function for use in conjunction with an ItemMappingIterator that checks that
all the items in a sequence are instances of a given item type |
JPConverter | This class together with its embedded subclasses handles conversion from Java values to XPath values. |
JPConverter.FromBigDecimal | |
JPConverter.FromBigInteger | |
JPConverter.FromBoolean | |
JPConverter.FromBooleanArray | |
JPConverter.FromByte | |
JPConverter.FromByteArray | |
JPConverter.FromCharacter | |
JPConverter.FromCharArray | |
JPConverter.FromCollection | |
JPConverter.FromDate | |
JPConverter.FromDouble | |
JPConverter.FromDoubleArray | |
JPConverter.FromFloat | |
JPConverter.FromFloatArray | |
JPConverter.FromInt | |
JPConverter.FromIntArray | |
JPConverter.FromLong | |
JPConverter.FromLongArray | |
JPConverter.FromObjectArray | |
JPConverter.FromQName | |
JPConverter.FromSequenceIterator | |
JPConverter.FromShort | |
JPConverter.FromShortArray | |
JPConverter.FromSource | |
JPConverter.FromString | |
JPConverter.FromURI | |
JPConverter.FromValueRepresentation | |
JPConverter.WrapExternalObject | |
LastItemExpression | A LastItemExpression returns the last item in the sequence returned by a given base expression. |
LetExpression | A LetExpression is modelled on the XQuery syntax let $x := expr return expr. |
Literal | A Literal is an expression whose value is constant: it is a class that implements the Expression
interface as a wrapper around a Value . |
LocalVariableReference | Variable reference: a reference to a local variable. |
MappingIterator<F extends Item,T extends Item> | MappingIterator merges a sequence of sequences into a single flat sequence. |
MonoIterator<T> | An iterator over a single object (typically a sub-expression of an expression) |
MultiIterator | An iterator that combines the results of a sequence of iterators |
NegateExpression | Negate Expression: implements the unary minus operator. |
OrExpression | |
PairIterator<T> | An iterator over a pair of objects (typically sub-expressions of an expression) |
ParentNodeExpression | Class ParentNodeExpression represents the XPath expression ".." or "parent::node()" |
PJConverter | This class together with its embedded subclasses handles conversion from XPath values to Java values |
PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURI | |
PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURL | |
PJConverter.Atomic | Converter for use when the source object is an atomic value, but nothing more is known statically. |
PJConverter.BooleanValueToBoolean | |
PJConverter.CalendarValueToCalendar | |
PJConverter.CalendarValueToDate | |
PJConverter.General | General-purpose converter when nothing more specific is available. |
PJConverter.Identity | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToBigInteger | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToByte | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToChar | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToInt | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToLong | |
PJConverter.IntegerValueToShort | |
PJConverter.NumericValueToBigDecimal | |
PJConverter.NumericValueToDouble | |
PJConverter.NumericValueToFloat | |
PJConverter.QualifiedNameValueToQName | |
PJConverter.StringValueToChar | |
PJConverter.StringValueToString | |
PJConverter.ToArray | Converter for use when the target class is an array |
PJConverter.ToCollection | Converter for use when the target class is a collection class. |
PJConverter.ToNull | |
PJConverter.ToSequenceExtent | |
PJConverter.ToSequenceIterator | |
PJConverter.UnwrapExternalObject | |
PositionVariable | Represents the defining occurrence of the position variable in a for expression within an expression, for example the $p in "for $x at $p in ...". |
QuantifiedExpression | A QuantifiedExpression tests whether some/all items in a sequence satisfy some condition. |
RangeExpression | A RangeExpression is an expression that represents an integer sequence as a pair of end-points (for example "x to y"). |
RangeIterator | An Iterator that produces numeric values in a monotonic sequence, ascending or descending. |
ReverseRangeIterator | Iterator that produces numeric values in a monotonic sequence, ascending or descending. |
RootExpression | An expression whose value is always a set of nodes containing a single node, the document root. |
SimpleExpression | An abstract implementation of Expression designed to make it easy to implement new expressions, in particular, expressions to support extension instructions. |
SimpleStepExpression | An SimpleStepExpression is a special case of a SlashExpression in which the start expression selects a single item (or nothing), and the step expression is a simple AxisExpression. |
SingleItemFilter | A SingleItemFilter is an expression that selects zero or one items from a supplied sequence |
SingleNodeExpression | A node set expression that will always return zero or one nodes |
SingletonAtomizer | A SingletonAtomizer combines the functions of an Atomizer and a CardinalityChecker: it is used to atomize a sequence of nodes, checking that the result of the atomization contains zero or one atomic values. |
SingletonIntersectExpression | This expression is equivalent to (A intersect B) in the case where A has cardinality zero-or-one. |
SlashExpression | A slash expression is any expression using the binary slash operator "/". |
StackFrame | This class represents a stack frame holding details of the variables used in a function or in an XSLT template. |
StaticProperty | This class contains constants identifying dependencies that an XPath expression might have on its context. |
StringLiteral | Subclass of Literal used specifically for string literals, as this is a common case |
StringTokenIterator | StringTokenIterator: breaks a string up into tokens, and returns the tokens as a sequence of strings. |
SubsequenceIterator | A SubsequenceIterator selects a subsequence of a sequence |
SuppliedParameterReference | Supplied parameter reference: this is an internal expression used to refer to the value of the n'th parameter supplied on a template call (apply-templates). |
TailCallLoop | A TailCallLoop wraps the body of a function that contains tail-recursive function calls. |
TailExpression | A TailExpression represents a FilterExpression of the form EXPR[position() > n] Here n is usually 2, but we allow other values |
TailIterator<T extends Item> | TailIterator iterates over a base sequence starting at an element other than the first. |
TreatExpression | Treat Expression: implements "treat as data-type ( expression )". |
UnaryExpression | Unary Expression: an expression taking a single operand expression |
UnionEnumeration | An enumeration representing a nodeset that is a union of two other NodeSets. |
UserFunctionCall | This class represents a call to a user-defined function in the stylesheet or query. |
ValueComparison | ValueComparison: a boolean expression that compares two atomic values for equals, not-equals, greater-than or less-than. |
ValueTailIterator<T extends Item> | ValueTailIterator iterates over a base sequence starting at an element other than the first. |
VariableReference | Variable reference: a reference to a variable. |
VennExpression | An expression representing a nodeset that is a union, difference, or intersection of two other NodeSets |
XPathContextMajor | This class represents a "major context" in which an XPath expression is evaluated: a "major context" object allows all aspects of the dynamic context to change, whereas a "minor context" only allows changes to the focus and the destination for push output. |
XPathContextMinor | This class represents a minor change in the dynamic context in which an XPath expression is evaluated: a "major context" object allows all aspects of the dynamic context to change, whereas a "minor context" only allows changes to the focus and the destination for push output. |
XPathContextMinor.LastValue | Container for cached value of the last() function. |
This package provides classes associated with XPath expression handling. Generally, these
classes are not intended to be used directly by user-written applications; the API for XPath
evaluation is now provided by classes in the package net.sf.saxon.xpath
The principal classes are:
This represents an XPath Expression. There is a static method Expression.make() which is
used to construct an Expression from a String (it is a factory method rather than a
constructor, because it typically returns some subclass of Expression according
to the syntax supplied). Subclasses of Expression represent different kinds of expression
such as StringExpression and BooleanExpression. What they all have in common is an evaluate()
method, which evaluates the expression in a given context to yield a Value, and an iterate() method,
which treats the result of the expression as a sequence, and iterates over the items in the sequence.
This class does the work of parsing both Expressions and Patterns. Applications should not call
it directly. It uses the class Tokenizer for lexical analysis.
This interface defines the information available at the time an expression is being parsed. This
includes the names of variables, the bindings of namespace prefixes, the functions that are available,
the names of collating sequences, and so on. When an XPath expression appears in a stylesheet, the
class net.sf.saxon.style.ExpressionContext
provides the StaticContext. For a free-standing XPath
expression, the class net.sf.saxon.xpath.StandaloneContext
is available, though a user-written
class that implements StaticContext
can also be used.
This class defines the context information available at run-time, for example the context node, position,
and size. (It actually does this by wrapping a SequenceIterator that represents the current sequence.)
When expressions are used during an XSLT transformation, the XPathContext also provides access to the
Controller, which contains all the context information about XSLT processing (for example the current template,
the current group, and so on).
Most of the classes in this package represent individual syntactic constructs found in XPath or XQuery expressions:
for example ValueComparison
, UserFunctionCall
, and RootExpression
. The objects
that instantiate these classes form the nodes on the Abstract Syntax Tree constructed by the compiler and modified
by the optimizer; at run-time their methods are used to drive a pipelined evaluation of the expression.
The distinction between the compiled form of XSLT instructions and the compiled form of XPath expressions has
become blurred. Generally, the compiled form of instructions is in the package net.sf.saxon.instruct
(this includes expressions in XQuery that are equivalent to XSLT instructions, for example element constructors).
However, some constructs such as conditional expressions now exist in both languages and may generate the same
run-time constructs.
Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
9 February 2005