Class PJConverter.General

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
      extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.General
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class PJConverter.General
extends PJConverter

General-purpose converter when nothing more specific is available. (Provided largely as a transition aid)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURI, PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURL, PJConverter.Atomic, PJConverter.BooleanValueToBoolean, PJConverter.CalendarValueToCalendar, PJConverter.CalendarValueToDate, PJConverter.General, PJConverter.Identity, PJConverter.IntegerValueToBigInteger, PJConverter.IntegerValueToByte, PJConverter.IntegerValueToChar, PJConverter.IntegerValueToInt, PJConverter.IntegerValueToLong, PJConverter.IntegerValueToShort, PJConverter.NumericValueToBigDecimal, PJConverter.NumericValueToDouble, PJConverter.NumericValueToFloat, PJConverter.QualifiedNameValueToQName, PJConverter.StringValueToChar, PJConverter.StringValueToString, PJConverter.ToArray, PJConverter.ToCollection, PJConverter.ToNull, PJConverter.ToSequenceExtent, PJConverter.ToSequenceIterator, PJConverter.UnwrapExternalObject
Field Summary
static PJConverter.General INSTANCE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object convert(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value, Class targetClass, XPathContext context)
          Convert an XPath value to a Java value of a specified class
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
allocate, allocateNodeListCreator, getEquivalentItemType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final PJConverter.General INSTANCE
Constructor Detail


public PJConverter.General()
Method Detail


public Object convert(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value,
                      Class targetClass,
                      XPathContext context)
               throws XPathException
Description copied from class: PJConverter
Convert an XPath value to a Java value of a specified class

Specified by:
convert in class PJConverter
value - the supplied XPath value
targetClass - the class of the required Java value
context - the XPath dynamic context
the corresponding Java value, which is guaranteed to be an instance of the target class (except that an empty sequence is converted to null)
XPathException - if the conversion is not possible or fails

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