Class PJConverter

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURI, PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURL, PJConverter.Atomic, PJConverter.BooleanValueToBoolean, PJConverter.CalendarValueToCalendar, PJConverter.CalendarValueToDate, PJConverter.General, PJConverter.Identity, PJConverter.IntegerValueToBigInteger, PJConverter.IntegerValueToByte, PJConverter.IntegerValueToChar, PJConverter.IntegerValueToInt, PJConverter.IntegerValueToLong, PJConverter.IntegerValueToShort, PJConverter.NumericValueToBigDecimal, PJConverter.NumericValueToDouble, PJConverter.NumericValueToFloat, PJConverter.QualifiedNameValueToQName, PJConverter.StringValueToChar, PJConverter.StringValueToString, PJConverter.ToArray, PJConverter.ToCollection, PJConverter.ToNull, PJConverter.ToSequenceExtent, PJConverter.ToSequenceIterator, PJConverter.UnwrapExternalObject

public abstract class PJConverter
extends Object
implements Serializable

This class together with its embedded subclasses handles conversion from XPath values to Java values

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURI
static class PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURL
static class PJConverter.Atomic
          Converter for use when the source object is an atomic value, but nothing more is known statically.
static class PJConverter.BooleanValueToBoolean
static class PJConverter.CalendarValueToCalendar
static class PJConverter.CalendarValueToDate
static class PJConverter.General
          General-purpose converter when nothing more specific is available.
static class PJConverter.Identity
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToBigInteger
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToByte
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToChar
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToInt
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToLong
static class PJConverter.IntegerValueToShort
static class PJConverter.NumericValueToBigDecimal
static class PJConverter.NumericValueToDouble
static class PJConverter.NumericValueToFloat
static class PJConverter.QualifiedNameValueToQName
static class PJConverter.StringValueToChar
static class PJConverter.StringValueToString
static class PJConverter.ToArray
          Converter for use when the target class is an array
static class PJConverter.ToCollection
          Converter for use when the target class is a collection class.
static class PJConverter.ToNull
static class PJConverter.ToSequenceExtent
static class PJConverter.ToSequenceIterator
static class PJConverter.UnwrapExternalObject
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static PJConverter allocate(Configuration config, ItemType itemType, int cardinality, Class targetClass)
          Factory method to instantiate a converter from a given XPath type to a given Java class
static PJConverter allocateNodeListCreator(Configuration config, Object node)
          Static method to get a converter from an XPath sequence of nodes to the representation of a NodeList in an external object model (this is really a special for DOM, which uses NodeList rather than general purpose Java collection classes)
abstract  Object convert(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value, Class targetClass, XPathContext context)
          Convert an XPath value to a Java value of a specified class
static SequenceType getEquivalentItemType(Class javaClass)
          Get the nearest XPath equivalent to a Java class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PJConverter()
Method Detail


public static SequenceType getEquivalentItemType(Class javaClass)
Get the nearest XPath equivalent to a Java class. A function call will be type-checked against an XPath function signature in which the Java classes are replaced by their nearest equivalent XPath types

javaClass - a Java class
the nearest equivalent XPath SequenceType


public abstract Object convert(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value,
                               Class targetClass,
                               XPathContext context)
                        throws XPathException
Convert an XPath value to a Java value of a specified class

value - the supplied XPath value
targetClass - the class of the required Java value
context - the XPath dynamic context
the corresponding Java value, which is guaranteed to be an instance of the target class (except that an empty sequence is converted to null)
XPathException - if the conversion is not possible or fails


public static PJConverter allocate(Configuration config,
                                   ItemType itemType,
                                   int cardinality,
                                   Class targetClass)
                            throws XPathException
Factory method to instantiate a converter from a given XPath type to a given Java class

config - the Saxon Configuration
itemType - the item type of the XPath value to be converted
cardinality - the cardinality of the XPath value to be converted
targetClass - the Java class required for the conversion result
a suitable converter
XPathException - if no conversion is possible


public static PJConverter allocateNodeListCreator(Configuration config,
                                                  Object node)
Static method to get a converter from an XPath sequence of nodes to the representation of a NodeList in an external object model (this is really a special for DOM, which uses NodeList rather than general purpose Java collection classes)

config - the Saxon configuration
node - an object representing a node in an external model
the Java object representing the external node

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