Class ReverseRangeIterator

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.ReverseRangeIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:
LastPositionFinder<IntegerValue>, SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>, LookaheadIterator<IntegerValue>, ReversibleIterator<IntegerValue>

public class ReverseRangeIterator
extends Object
implements SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>, ReversibleIterator<IntegerValue>, LastPositionFinder<IntegerValue>, LookaheadIterator<IntegerValue>

Iterator that produces numeric values in a monotonic sequence, ascending or descending. Although a range expression (N to M) is always in ascending order, applying the reverse() function will produce a RangeIterator that works in descending order.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
ReverseRangeIterator(long start, long end)
          Create an iterator over a range of integers in monotonic descending order
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the iterator.
 IntegerValue current()
          Get the current value in the sequence (the one returned by the most recent call on next()).
 SequenceIterator<IntegerValue> getAnother()
          Get another SequenceIterator that iterates over the same items as the original, but which is repositioned at the start of the sequence.
 int getLength()
          Get the last position (that is, the number of items in the sequence).
 int getProperties()
          Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.
 SequenceIterator<IntegerValue> getReverseIterator()
          Get a new SequenceIterator that returns the same items in reverse order.
 boolean hasNext()
          Determine whether there are more items to come.
 IntegerValue next()
          Get the next item in the sequence.
 int position()
          Get the current position.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ReverseRangeIterator(long start,
                            long end)
Create an iterator over a range of integers in monotonic descending order

start - the first integer to be delivered (the highest in the range)
end - the last integer to be delivered (the lowest in the range). Must be <= start
Method Detail


public boolean hasNext()
Description copied from interface: LookaheadIterator
Determine whether there are more items to come. Note that this operation is stateless and it is not necessary (or usual) to call it before calling next(). It is used only when there is an explicit need to tell if we are at the last element.

This method must not be called unless the result of getProperties() on the iterator includes the bit setting SequenceIterator.LOOKAHEAD

Specified by:
hasNext in interface LookaheadIterator<IntegerValue>
true if there are more items in the sequence


public IntegerValue next()
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Get the next item in the sequence. This method changes the state of the iterator, in particular it affects the result of subsequent calls of position() and current().

Specified by:
next in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>
the next item, or null if there are no more items. Once a call on next() has returned null, no further calls should be made. The preferred action for an iterator if subsequent calls on next() are made is to return null again, and all implementations within Saxon follow this rule.


public IntegerValue current()
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Get the current value in the sequence (the one returned by the most recent call on next()). This will be null before the first call of next(). This method does not change the state of the iterator.

Specified by:
current in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>
the current item, the one most recently returned by a call on next(). Returns null if next() has not been called, or if the end of the sequence has been reached.


public int position()
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Get the current position. This will usually be zero before the first call on next(), otherwise it will be the number of times that next() has been called. Once next() has returned null, the preferred action is for subsequent calls on position() to return -1, but not all existing implementations follow this practice. (In particular, the EmptyIterator is stateless, and always returns 0 as the value of position(), whether or not next() has been called.)

This method does not change the state of the iterator.

Specified by:
position in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>
the current position, the position of the item returned by the most recent call of next(). This is 1 after next() has been successfully called once, 2 after it has been called twice, and so on. If next() has never been called, the method returns zero. If the end of the sequence has been reached, the value returned will always be <= 0; the preferred value is -1.


public void close()
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Close the iterator. This indicates to the supplier of the data that the client does not require any more items to be delivered by the iterator. This may enable the supplier to release resources. After calling close(), no further calls on the iterator should be made; if further calls are made, the effect of such calls is undefined.

(Currently, closing an iterator is important only when the data is being "pushed" in another thread. Closing the iterator terminates that thread and means that it needs to do no additional work. Indeed, failing to close the iterator may cause the push thread to hang waiting for the buffer to be emptied.)

Specified by:
close in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>


public int getLength()
Description copied from interface: LastPositionFinder
Get the last position (that is, the number of items in the sequence). This method is non-destructive: it does not change the state of the iterator. The result is undefined if the next() method of the iterator has already returned null. This method must not be called unless the result of getProperties() on the iterator includes the bit setting SequenceIterator.LAST_POSITION_FINDER

Specified by:
getLength in interface LastPositionFinder<IntegerValue>
the number of items in the sequence


public SequenceIterator<IntegerValue> getAnother()
                                          throws XPathException
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Get another SequenceIterator that iterates over the same items as the original, but which is repositioned at the start of the sequence.

This method allows access to all the items in the sequence without disturbing the current position of the iterator. Internally, its main use is in evaluating the last() function.

This method does not change the state of the iterator.

Specified by:
getAnother in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>
a SequenceIterator that iterates over the same items, positioned before the first item
XPathException - if any error occurs


public int getProperties()
Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface SequenceIterator<IntegerValue>
the properties of this iterator. This will be some combination of properties such as SequenceIterator.GROUNDED, SequenceIterator.LAST_POSITION_FINDER, and SequenceIterator.LOOKAHEAD. It is always acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties. It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state.


public SequenceIterator<IntegerValue> getReverseIterator()
Description copied from interface: ReversibleIterator
Get a new SequenceIterator that returns the same items in reverse order. If this SequenceIterator is an AxisIterator, then the returned SequenceIterator must also be an AxisIterator.

Specified by:
getReverseIterator in interface ReversibleIterator<IntegerValue>
an iterator over the items in reverse order

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