Interface LookaheadIterator<T extends Item>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator, ArrayIterator, EmptyAxisIterator, EmptyIterator, GroupAdjacentIterator, GroupByIterator, GroupEndingIterator, GroupMatchingIterator, GroupStartingIterator, ItemMappingIterator, IteratorIterator, ListIterator, LookaheadIteratorImpl, ManualIterator, MergeEnumeration, MergeGroupingIterator, NodeWrappingAxisIterator, OneToOneMappingIterator, RangeIterator, ReverseArrayIterator, ReverseRangeIterator, SingleNodeIterator, SingletonIterator, SortedGroupIterator, SortedIterator, SubsequenceIterator, TailIterator, UnionEnumeration, UntypedAtomizingIterator, ValueTailIterator

public interface LookaheadIterator<T extends Item>
extends SequenceIterator<T>

A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence. A LookaheadIterator is one that supports a hasNext() method to determine if there are more nodes after the current node.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 boolean hasNext()
          Determine whether there are more items to come.
Methods inherited from interface
close, current, getAnother, getProperties, next, position

Method Detail


boolean hasNext()
Determine whether there are more items to come. Note that this operation is stateless and it is not necessary (or usual) to call it before calling next(). It is used only when there is an explicit need to tell if we are at the last element.

This method must not be called unless the result of getProperties() on the iterator includes the bit setting SequenceIterator.LOOKAHEAD

true if there are more items in the sequence

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