Class ArrayIterator<T extends Item>

  extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ArrayIterator<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
LastPositionFinder<T>, SequenceIterator<T>, GroundedIterator<T>, LookaheadIterator<T>, ReversibleIterator<T>, UnfailingIterator<T>

public class ArrayIterator<T extends Item>
extends Object
implements UnfailingIterator<T>, ReversibleIterator<T>, LastPositionFinder<T>, LookaheadIterator<T>, GroundedIterator<T>

ArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array. The items are always held in the correct sorted order for the sequence.

Michael H. Kay

Field Summary
protected  int end
protected  T[] items
protected  int start
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
ArrayIterator(T[] nodes)
          Create an iterator over all the items in an array
ArrayIterator(T[] items, int start, int end)
          Create an iterator over a range of an array.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the iterator.
 T current()
          Get the current item in the array
 ArrayIterator<T> getAnother()
          Get another iterator over the same items
 T[] getArray()
          Get the underlying array
 int getEndPosition()
          Get the end position in the array
 int getLength()
          Get the number of items in the part of the array being processed
 int getProperties()
          Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.
 SequenceIterator<T> getReverseIterator()
          Get an iterator that processes the same items in reverse order
 int getStartPosition()
          Get the initial start position
 boolean hasNext()
          Test whether there are any more items
 SequenceIterator<T> makeSliceIterator(int min, int max)
          Create a new ArrayIterator over the same items, with a different start point and end point
 GroundedValue materialize()
          Return a SequenceValue containing all the items in the sequence returned by this SequenceIterator
 T next()
          Get the next item in the array
 int position()
          Get the position of the current item in the array
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected T extends Item[] items


protected int start


protected int end
Constructor Detail


public ArrayIterator(T[] nodes)
Create an iterator over all the items in an array

nodes - the array (of any items, not necessarily nodes) to be processed by the iterator


public ArrayIterator(T[] items,
                     int start,
                     int end)
Create an iterator over a range of an array. Note that the start position is zero-based

items - the array (of nodes or simple values) to be processed by the iterator
start - the position of the first item to be processed (numbering from zero). Must be between zero and nodes.length-1; if not, undefined exceptions are likely to occur.
end - position of first item that is NOT returned, zero-based. Must be beween 1 and nodes.length; if not, undefined exceptions are likely to occur.
Method Detail


public SequenceIterator<T> makeSliceIterator(int min,
                                             int max)
Create a new ArrayIterator over the same items, with a different start point and end point

min - the start position (1-based) of the new ArrayIterator relative to the original
max - the end position (1-based) of the last item to be delivered by the new ArrayIterator, relative to the original. For example, min=2, max=3 delivers the two items ($base[2], $base[3]). Set this to Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no end limit.
an iterator over the items between the min and max positions


public boolean hasNext()
Test whether there are any more items

Specified by:
hasNext in interface LookaheadIterator<T extends Item>
true if there are more items


public T next()
Get the next item in the array

Specified by:
next in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>
Specified by:
next in interface UnfailingIterator<T extends Item>
the next item in the array


public T current()
Get the current item in the array

Specified by:
current in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>
Specified by:
current in interface UnfailingIterator<T extends Item>
the item returned by the most recent call of next()


public int position()
Get the position of the current item in the array

Specified by:
position in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>
Specified by:
position in interface UnfailingIterator<T extends Item>
the current position (starting at 1 for the first item)


public int getLength()
Get the number of items in the part of the array being processed

Specified by:
getLength in interface LastPositionFinder<T extends Item>
the number of items; equivalently, the position of the last item


public void close()
Description copied from interface: SequenceIterator
Close the iterator. This indicates to the supplier of the data that the client does not require any more items to be delivered by the iterator. This may enable the supplier to release resources. After calling close(), no further calls on the iterator should be made; if further calls are made, the effect of such calls is undefined.

(Currently, closing an iterator is important only when the data is being "pushed" in another thread. Closing the iterator terminates that thread and means that it needs to do no additional work. Indeed, failing to close the iterator may cause the push thread to hang waiting for the buffer to be emptied.)

Specified by:
close in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>


public ArrayIterator<T> getAnother()
Get another iterator over the same items

Specified by:
getAnother in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>
Specified by:
getAnother in interface UnfailingIterator<T extends Item>
a new ArrayIterator


public SequenceIterator<T> getReverseIterator()
Get an iterator that processes the same items in reverse order

Specified by:
getReverseIterator in interface ReversibleIterator<T extends Item>
a new ArrayIterator


public T[] getArray()
Get the underlying array

the underlying array being processed by the iterator


public int getStartPosition()
Get the initial start position

the start position of the iterator in the array (zero-based)


public int getEndPosition()
Get the end position in the array

the position in the array (zero-based) of the first item not included in the iteration


public GroundedValue materialize()
Return a SequenceValue containing all the items in the sequence returned by this SequenceIterator

Specified by:
materialize in interface GroundedIterator<T extends Item>
the corresponding SequenceValue


public int getProperties()
Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface SequenceIterator<T extends Item>
the properties of this iterator. This will be some combination of properties such as SequenceIterator.GROUNDED, SequenceIterator.LAST_POSITION_FINDER, and SequenceIterator.LOOKAHEAD. It is always acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties. It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state.

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