Package net.sf.saxon.tree.iter

This package defines implementations and subinterfaces of the interface SequenceIterator, which is used to iterate over an XDM sequence.


Interface Summary
AxisIterator<T extends NodeInfo> A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.
GroundedIterator<T extends Item> This interface is an extension to the SequenceIterator interface; it represents a SequenceIterator that is based on an in-memory representation of a sequence, and that is therefore capable of returned a SequenceValue containing all the items in the sequence.
LookaheadIterator<T extends Item> A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.
NodeWrappingFunction<B,T extends NodeInfo> Interface to a function that wraps nodes from an external object model in a Saxon NodeInfo representation
ReversibleIterator<T extends Item> A ReversibleIterator is an interface implemented by any SequenceIterator that is able to deliver items in reverse order (or to supply another iterator that can do so).
UnfailingIterator<T extends Item> A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.

Class Summary
AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator is an iterator that eliminates zero-length text nodes and merges adjacent text nodes from the underlying iterator
ArrayIterator<T extends Item> ArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array.
AtomizingIterator AtomizingIterator returns the atomization of an underlying sequence supplied as an iterator.
AxisIteratorImpl A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.
AxisIteratorOverSequence<T extends NodeInfo> This class wraps any SequenceIterator as an AxisIterator.
EmptyAxisIterator<T extends NodeInfo> An AxisIterator over an empty sequence
EmptyIterator<T extends Item> EmptyIterator: an iterator over an empty sequence.
HomogeneityCheckerIterator An iterator that returns the same items as its base iterator, checking to see that they are either all nodes, or all non-nodes; if they are all nodes, it delivers them in document order.
IteratorIterator<T extends Item> A SequenceIterator that wraps a Java Iterator.
ListIterator<T extends Item> Class ListIterator, iterates over a sequence of items held in a Java List
LookaheadIteratorImpl This class wraps any sequence iterator, turning it into a lookahead iterator, by looking ahead one item
NodeWrappingAxisIterator<T extends NodeInfo,B> An AxisIterator that wraps a Java Iterator.
PrependIterator An iterator over nodes, that prepends a given node to the nodes returned by another iterator.
ReverseArrayIterator<T extends Item> ReverseArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array in reverse order.
SingleNodeIterator SingletonIterator: an iterator over a sequence of zero or one values
SingletonIterator<T extends Item> SingletonIterator: an iterator over a sequence of zero or one values
UnparsedTextIterator Class UnparsedTextIterator, iterates over a file line by line
UntypedAtomizingIterator<B extends Item> AtomizingIterator returns the atomization of an underlying sequence supplied as an iterator.

Package net.sf.saxon.tree.iter Description

This package defines implementations and subinterfaces of the interface SequenceIterator, which is used to iterate over an XDM sequence.

The subinterfaces mostly represent iterators with additional capability: for example a LastPositionFinder can determine the number of items in the sequence without reading to the end; a GroundedIterator can deliver the original sequence as a list in memory; a LookaheadIterator is capable of one-item look-ahead. Note that just because a class implements such an interface does not mean it necessarily has this capability; it is necessary to check the properties of the specific iterator before assuming this.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
28 November 2011

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