Class SortedGroupIterator

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
      extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedGroupIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:
LastPositionFinder, GroupIterator, Sortable, SequenceIterator, LookaheadIterator

public class SortedGroupIterator
extends SortedIterator
implements GroupIterator

A SortedGroupIterator is a modified SortedIterator. It sorts a sequence of groups, and is itself a GroupIterator. The modifications retain extra information about the items being sorted. The items are each the leading item of a group, and as well as the item itself, the iterator preserves information about the group: specifically, an iterator over the items in the group, and the value of the grouping key (if any).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
base, comparators, context, count, position, sortKeyEvaluator, values
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
SortedGroupIterator(XPathContext context, GroupIterator base, SortKeyEvaluator sortKeyEvaluator, AtomicComparer[] comparators)
Method Summary
protected  void buildArray()
          Override the method that builds the array of values and sort keys.
 Value getCurrentGroupingKey()
          Get the grouping key of the current group
 SequenceIterator iterateCurrentGroup()
          Get an iterator over the members of the current group, in population order.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
close, compare, current, getAnother, getLength, getProperties, hasNext, next, position, setHostLanguage, swap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
close, current, getAnother, getProperties, next, position

Constructor Detail


public SortedGroupIterator(XPathContext context,
                           GroupIterator base,
                           SortKeyEvaluator sortKeyEvaluator,
                           AtomicComparer[] comparators)
Method Detail


protected void buildArray()
                   throws XPathException
Override the method that builds the array of values and sort keys.

buildArray in class SortedIterator


public Value getCurrentGroupingKey()
Description copied from interface: GroupIterator
Get the grouping key of the current group

Specified by:
getCurrentGroupingKey in interface GroupIterator
the current grouping key in the case of group-by or group-adjacent, or null in the case of group-starting-with and group-ending-with


public SequenceIterator iterateCurrentGroup()
                                     throws XPathException
Description copied from interface: GroupIterator
Get an iterator over the members of the current group, in population order. This must always be a clean iterator, that is, an iterator that starts at the first item of the group.

Specified by:
iterateCurrentGroup in interface GroupIterator
an iterator over all the members of the current group, in population order.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs

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