Interface ItemMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AtomicSequenceConverter.AtomicSequenceMappingFunction, AtomicSequenceConverter.ToStringMappingFunction, AtomicSequenceMappingFunction, CompiledItemMappingFunction, EmptyTextNodeRemover, ForExpression.MappingAction, ForItemMappingAction, ItemTypeCheckingFunction, JavaExtensionFunctionCall.ConfigurationCheckingFunction, KeyFn.SubtreeFilter

public interface ItemMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item>

ItemMappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a ItemMappingIterator. It represents an object which, given an Item, can return either another Item, or null.

The interface is generic, paramterized by F (from) the input item type, and T (to), the output item type

Method Summary
 T mapItem(F item)
          Map one item to another item.

Method Detail


T mapItem(F item)
                       throws XPathException
Map one item to another item.

item - The input item to be mapped.
either the output item, or null.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs

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