Interface StatefulMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ForExpression.MappingAction, ForItemMappingAction, ForSequenceMappingAction

public interface StatefulMappingFunction<F extends Item,T extends Item>

MappingFunction is an interface that must be satisfied by an object passed to a MappingIterator. StatefulMappingFunction is a sub-interface representing a mapping function that maintains state information, and which must therefore be cloned when the mapping iterator is cloned.

Method Summary
 StatefulMappingFunction<F,T> getAnother()
          Return a clone of this MappingFunction, with the state reset to its state at the beginning of the underlying iteration

Method Detail


StatefulMappingFunction<F,T> getAnother()
Return a clone of this MappingFunction, with the state reset to its state at the beginning of the underlying iteration

a clone of this MappingFunction

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