Class JPConverter

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
JPConverter.FromBigDecimal, JPConverter.FromBigInteger, JPConverter.FromBoolean, JPConverter.FromBooleanArray, JPConverter.FromByte, JPConverter.FromByteArray, JPConverter.FromCharacter, JPConverter.FromCharArray, JPConverter.FromCollection, JPConverter.FromDate, JPConverter.FromDouble, JPConverter.FromDoubleArray, JPConverter.FromFloat, JPConverter.FromFloatArray, JPConverter.FromInt, JPConverter.FromIntArray, JPConverter.FromLong, JPConverter.FromLongArray, JPConverter.FromObjectArray, JPConverter.FromQName, JPConverter.FromSequenceIterator, JPConverter.FromShort, JPConverter.FromShortArray, JPConverter.FromSource, JPConverter.FromString, JPConverter.FromURI, JPConverter.FromValueRepresentation, JPConverter.WrapExternalObject

public abstract class JPConverter
extends Object
implements Serializable

This class together with its embedded subclasses handles conversion from Java values to XPath values. The general principle is to allocate a specific JPConverter at compile time wherever possible. If there is insufficient type information to make this feasible, a general-purpose JPConverter is allocated, which in turn allocates a more specific converter at run-time to do the actual work.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class JPConverter.FromBigDecimal
static class JPConverter.FromBigInteger
static class JPConverter.FromBoolean
static class JPConverter.FromBooleanArray
static class JPConverter.FromByte
static class JPConverter.FromByteArray
static class JPConverter.FromCharacter
static class JPConverter.FromCharArray
static class JPConverter.FromCollection
static class JPConverter.FromDate
static class JPConverter.FromDouble
static class JPConverter.FromDoubleArray
static class JPConverter.FromFloat
static class JPConverter.FromFloatArray
static class JPConverter.FromInt
static class JPConverter.FromIntArray
static class JPConverter.FromLong
static class JPConverter.FromLongArray
static class JPConverter.FromObjectArray
static class JPConverter.FromQName
static class JPConverter.FromSequenceIterator
static class JPConverter.FromShort
static class JPConverter.FromShortArray
static class JPConverter.FromSource
static class JPConverter.FromString
static class JPConverter.FromURI
static class JPConverter.FromValueRepresentation
static class JPConverter.WrapExternalObject
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static JPConverter allocate(Class javaClass, Configuration config)
          Allocate a Java-to-XPath converter for a given class of Java objects
abstract  ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context)
          Convert a Java object to an equivalent XPath value
 int getCardinality()
          Get the cardinality of the XPath value that will result from the conversion
abstract  ItemType getItemType()
          Get the item type of the XPath value that will result from the conversion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JPConverter()
Method Detail


public static JPConverter allocate(Class javaClass,
                                   Configuration config)
Allocate a Java-to-XPath converter for a given class of Java objects

javaClass - the class of the Java object to be converted (this may be the static type or the dynamic type, depending when the converter is allocated)
config - the Saxon Configuration
a suitable converter


public abstract ValueRepresentation convert(Object object,
                                            XPathContext context)
                                     throws XPathException
Convert a Java object to an equivalent XPath value

object - the java object to be converted
context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
the XPath value resulting from the conversion
XPathException - if the conversion is not possible or if it fails


public abstract ItemType getItemType()
Get the item type of the XPath value that will result from the conversion

the XPath item type


public int getCardinality()
Get the cardinality of the XPath value that will result from the conversion

the cardinality of the result

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