Class Calculator

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.Calculator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Calculator.AnyDivAny, Calculator.AnyIdivAny, Calculator.AnyMinusAny, Calculator.AnyModAny, Calculator.AnyPlusAny, Calculator.AnyTimesAny, Calculator.DecimalDivDecimal, Calculator.DecimalIdivDecimal, Calculator.DecimalMinusDecimal, Calculator.DecimalModDecimal, Calculator.DecimalPlusDecimal, Calculator.DecimalTimesDecimal, Calculator.DoubleDivDouble, Calculator.DoubleMinusDouble, Calculator.DoubleModDouble, Calculator.DoublePlusDouble, Calculator.DoubleTimesDouble, Calculator.FloatDivFloat, Calculator.FloatIdivFloat, Calculator.FloatMinusFloat, Calculator.FloatModFloat, Calculator.FloatPlusFloat, Calculator.FloatTimesFloat, Calculator.IntegerDivInteger, Calculator.IntegerIdivInteger, Calculator.IntegerMinusInteger, Calculator.IntegerModInteger, Calculator.IntegerPlusInteger, Calculator.IntegerTimesInteger

public abstract class Calculator
extends Object
implements Serializable

This class evaluates arithmetic expressions; it acts as a helper class to the ArithmeticExpression class. There are many subclasses for the different kinds of arithmetic expression, and static methods that allow the right subclass to be selected, either at compile time or at run time.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class Calculator.AnyDivAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType div AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.AnyIdivAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType idiv AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.AnyMinusAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType - AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.AnyModAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType mod AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.AnyPlusAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType + AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.AnyTimesAny
          Arithmetic: anyAtomicType * AnyAtomicType
static class Calculator.DecimalDivDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal div decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DecimalIdivDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal idiv decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DecimalMinusDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal - decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DecimalModDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal mod decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DecimalPlusDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal + decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DecimalTimesDecimal
          Arithmetic: decimal * decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
static class Calculator.DoubleDivDouble
          Arithmetic: double div double (including types that promote to double)
static class Calculator.DoubleMinusDouble
          Arithmetic: double - double (including types that promote to double)
static class Calculator.DoubleModDouble
          Arithmetic: double mod double (including types that promote to double)
static class Calculator.DoublePlusDouble
          Arithmetic: double + double (including types that promote to double)
static class Calculator.DoubleTimesDouble
          Arithmetic: double * double (including types that promote to double)
static class Calculator.FloatDivFloat
          Arithmetic: float div float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.FloatIdivFloat
          Arithmetic: float idiv float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.FloatMinusFloat
          Arithmetic: float - float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.FloatModFloat
          Arithmetic: float mod float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.FloatPlusFloat
          Arithmetic: float + float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.FloatTimesFloat
          Arithmetic: float * float (including types that promote to float)
static class Calculator.IntegerDivInteger
          Arithmetic: integer div integer
static class Calculator.IntegerIdivInteger
          Arithmetic: integer idiv integer
static class Calculator.IntegerMinusInteger
          Arithmetic: integer - integer
static class Calculator.IntegerModInteger
          Arithmetic: integer mod integer
static class Calculator.IntegerPlusInteger
          Arithmetic: integer + integer
static class Calculator.IntegerTimesInteger
          Arithmetic: integer * integer
Field Summary
static Calculator[] ANY_ANY
          Calculators used for the six operators when the static type information does not allow a more specific calculator to be chosen
static Calculator[] DATETIME_DATETIME
          Calculators used when both operands are xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time
static Calculator[] DATETIME_DURATION
          Calculators used when the first operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time, and the second is a duration
static Calculator[] DECIMAL_DECIMAL
static Calculator[] DECIMAL_DOUBLE
          Calculators used when the first operand is a decimal
static Calculator[] DECIMAL_FLOAT
static Calculator[] DECIMAL_INTEGER
static int DIV
static Calculator[] DOUBLE_DECIMAL
static Calculator[] DOUBLE_DOUBLE
          Calculators used when the first operand is a double
static Calculator[] DOUBLE_FLOAT
static Calculator[] DOUBLE_INTEGER
static Calculator[] DURATION_DATETIME
          Calculators used when the second operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time, and the first is a duration
static Calculator[] DURATION_DURATION
          Calculators used when the both operands are durations
static Calculator[] DURATION_NUMERIC
          Calculators used when the first operand is a duration and the second is numeric
static Calculator[] FLOAT_DECIMAL
static Calculator[] FLOAT_DOUBLE
          Calculators used when the first operand is a float
static Calculator[] FLOAT_FLOAT
static Calculator[] FLOAT_INTEGER
static int IDIV
static Calculator[] INTEGER_DECIMAL
static Calculator[] INTEGER_DOUBLE
          Calculators used when the first operand is an integer
static Calculator[] INTEGER_FLOAT
static Calculator[] INTEGER_INTEGER
static int MINUS
static int MOD
static Calculator[] NUMERIC_DURATION
          Calculators used when the second operand is a duration and the first is numeric
static int PLUS
static int TIMES
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c)
          Perform an arithmetic operation
static DecimalValue decimalDivide(NumericValue a, NumericValue b)
static Calculator getCalculator(int typeA, int typeB, int operator, boolean mustResolve)
          Factory method to get a calculator for a given combination of types
static String getCalculatorSetName(int typeA, int typeB)
          Get the name of the calculator set for a given combination of types
abstract  AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB)
          Get the type of the result of the calculator, given arguments types typeA and typeB
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PLUS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MINUS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TIMES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DIV
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MOD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IDIV
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final Calculator[] ANY_ANY
Calculators used for the six operators when the static type information does not allow a more specific calculator to be chosen


public static final Calculator[] DOUBLE_DOUBLE
Calculators used when the first operand is a double


public static final Calculator[] DOUBLE_FLOAT


public static final Calculator[] DOUBLE_DECIMAL


public static final Calculator[] DOUBLE_INTEGER


public static final Calculator[] FLOAT_DOUBLE
Calculators used when the first operand is a float


public static final Calculator[] FLOAT_FLOAT


public static final Calculator[] FLOAT_DECIMAL


public static final Calculator[] FLOAT_INTEGER


public static final Calculator[] DECIMAL_DOUBLE
Calculators used when the first operand is a decimal


public static final Calculator[] DECIMAL_FLOAT


public static final Calculator[] DECIMAL_DECIMAL


public static final Calculator[] DECIMAL_INTEGER


public static final Calculator[] INTEGER_DOUBLE
Calculators used when the first operand is an integer


public static final Calculator[] INTEGER_FLOAT


public static final Calculator[] INTEGER_DECIMAL


public static final Calculator[] INTEGER_INTEGER


public static final Calculator[] DATETIME_DATETIME
Calculators used when both operands are xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time


public static final Calculator[] DATETIME_DURATION
Calculators used when the first operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time, and the second is a duration


public static final Calculator[] DURATION_DATETIME
Calculators used when the second operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time, and the first is a duration


public static final Calculator[] DURATION_DURATION
Calculators used when the both operands are durations


public static final Calculator[] DURATION_NUMERIC
Calculators used when the first operand is a duration and the second is numeric


public static final Calculator[] NUMERIC_DURATION
Calculators used when the second operand is a duration and the first is numeric

Constructor Detail


public Calculator()
Method Detail


public static Calculator getCalculator(int typeA,
                                       int typeB,
                                       int operator,
                                       boolean mustResolve)
Factory method to get a calculator for a given combination of types

typeA - fingerprint of the primitive type of the first operand
typeB - fingerprint of the primitive type of the second operand
operator - the arithmetic operator in use
mustResolve - indicates that a concrete Calculator is required (rather than an ANY_ANY calculator which needs to be further resolved at run-time)
null if no suitable Calculator can be found.


public static String getCalculatorSetName(int typeA,
                                          int typeB)
Get the name of the calculator set for a given combination of types

typeA - the fingerprint of the primitive type of the first operand
typeB - the fingerprint of the primitive type of the second operand
null if no suitable Calculator can be found.


public abstract AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a,
                                    AtomicValue b,
                                    XPathContext c)
                             throws XPathException
Perform an arithmetic operation

a - the first operand. Must not be null, and must be an instance of the type implied by the class name.
b - the second operand. Must not be null, and must be an instance of the type implied by the class name.
c - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
the result of the computation, as a value of the correct primitive type
XPathException - in the event of an arithmetic error


public abstract AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA,
                                         AtomicType typeB)
Get the type of the result of the calculator, given arguments types typeA and typeB

typeA - the type of the first operand
typeB - the type of the second operand
the type of the result


public static DecimalValue decimalDivide(NumericValue a,
                                         NumericValue b)
                                  throws XPathException

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