Class XPathContextMajor

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor
      extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMajor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XPathContextMajor
extends XPathContextMinor

This class represents a "major context" in which an XPath expression is evaluated: a "major context" object allows all aspects of the dynamic context to change, whereas a "minor context" only allows changes to the focus and the destination for push output.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor
Constructor Summary
XPathContextMajor(Controller controller)
          Constructor should only be called by the Controller, which acts as a XPathContext factory.
XPathContextMajor(Item item, Configuration config)
          Deprecated. since 9.0 - use XPathContextMajor(Item, Executable)
XPathContextMajor(Item item, Executable exec)
          Constructor for use in free-standing Java applications.
Method Summary
 ValueRepresentation[] getAllVariableValues()
          Get a all the variables in the stack frame
 GroupIterator getCurrentGroupIterator()
          Get the current group iterator.
 Mode getCurrentMode()
          Get the current mode.
 RegexIterator getCurrentRegexIterator()
          Get the current regex iterator.
 Rule getCurrentTemplateRule()
          Get the current template.
 ParameterSet getLocalParameters()
          Get the local parameters for the current template call.
 InstructionInfo getOrigin()
          Get information about the creating expression or other construct.
 int getOriginatingConstructType()
          Get the type of location from which this context was created.
 UserFunction getTailCallFunction()
          Determine whether the body of a function is to be repeated, due to tail-recursive function calls
 ParameterSet getTunnelParameters()
          Get the tunnel parameters for the current template call.
 boolean isTemporaryOutputState()
          Ask whether the XSLT output state is "temporary" or "final"
 XPathContextMajor newContext()
          Construct a new context as a copy of another.
static XPathContextMajor newContext(XPathContextMinor prev)
          Create a new "major" context (one that is capable of holding a stack frame with local variables
static XPathContextMajor newThreadContext(XPathContextMinor prev)
 void openStackFrame(int numberOfVariables)
          Create a new stack frame large enough to hold a given number of local variables, for which no stack frame map is available.
 void openStackFrame(SlotManager map)
          Create a new stack frame for local variables, using the supplied SlotManager to define the allocation of slots to individual variables
 void requestTailCall(UserFunction fn, ValueRepresentation[] variables)
          Reset the local stack frame.
 void resetAllVariableValues(ValueRepresentation[] values)
          Overwrite all the variables in the stack frame
 void resetParameterValues(ValueRepresentation[] values)
          Overwrite all the parameters in the stack frame.
 void resetStackFrameMap(SlotManager map, int numberOfParams)
          Reset the stack frame variable map, while reusing the StackFrame object itself.
 void setCurrentGroupIterator(GroupIterator iterator)
          Set the current grouping iterator.
 void setCurrentMode(Mode mode)
          Set the current mode.
 void setCurrentRegexIterator(RegexIterator currentRegexIterator)
          Set the current regex iterator.
 void setCurrentTemplateRule(Rule rule)
          Set the current template.
 void setLocalParameters(ParameterSet localParameters)
          Set the local parameters for the current template call.
 void setOrigin(InstructionInfo expr)
          Set the creating expression (for use in diagnostics).
 void setOriginatingConstructType(int loc)
          Set the type of creating expression (for use in diagnostics).
 void setStackFrame(SlotManager map, ValueRepresentation[] variables)
          Set the local stack frame.
 void setTemporaryOutputState(boolean temporary)
          Set the XSLT output state to "temporary" or "final"
 void setTunnelParameters(ParameterSet tunnelParameters)
          Set the tunnel parameters for the current template call.
 int useLocalParameter(int parameterId, int slotNumber, boolean isTunnel)
          Use local parameter.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor
changeOutputDestination, evaluateLocalVariable, getCaller, getCollation, getConfiguration, getContextItem, getController, getCurrentDateTime, getCurrentException, getCurrentIterator, getImplicitTimezone, getLast, getNameChecker, getNamePool, getReceiver, getStackFrame, isAtLast, iterateStackFrames, newCleanContext, newMinorContext, setCaller, setCurrentException, setCurrentIterator, setLocalVariable, setReceiver
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XPathContextMajor(Controller controller)
Constructor should only be called by the Controller, which acts as a XPathContext factory.

controller - the Controller


public XPathContextMajor(Item item,
                         Executable exec)
Constructor for use in free-standing Java applications.

item - the item to use as the initial context item. If this is null, the comtext item is initially undefined (which will cause a dynamic error if it is referenced).
exec - the Executable


public XPathContextMajor(Item item,
                         Configuration config)
Deprecated. since 9.0 - use XPathContextMajor(Item, Executable)

Constructor for use in free-standing Java applications.

item - the item to use as the initial context item. If this is null, the comtext item is initially undefined (which will cause a dynamic error if it is referenced).
config - the Saxon Configuration
Method Detail


public XPathContextMajor newContext()
Construct a new context as a copy of another. The new context is effectively added to the top of a stack, and contains a pointer to the previous context. The

Specified by:
newContext in interface XPathContext
newContext in class XPathContextMinor
a new context, created as a copy of this context


public static XPathContextMajor newContext(XPathContextMinor prev)
Create a new "major" context (one that is capable of holding a stack frame with local variables

prev - the previous context (the one causing the new context to be created)
the new major context


public static XPathContextMajor newThreadContext(XPathContextMinor prev)


public ParameterSet getLocalParameters()
Get the local parameters for the current template call.

Specified by:
getLocalParameters in interface XPathContext
getLocalParameters in class XPathContextMinor
the supplied parameters


public void setLocalParameters(ParameterSet localParameters)
Set the local parameters for the current template call.

localParameters - the supplied parameters


public ParameterSet getTunnelParameters()
Get the tunnel parameters for the current template call.

Specified by:
getTunnelParameters in interface XPathContext
getTunnelParameters in class XPathContextMinor
the supplied tunnel parameters


public void setTunnelParameters(ParameterSet tunnelParameters)
Set the tunnel parameters for the current template call.

tunnelParameters - the supplied tunnel parameters


public void setOrigin(InstructionInfo expr)
Set the creating expression (for use in diagnostics). The origin is generally set to "this" by the object that creates the new context. It's up to the debugger to determine whether this information is useful. The object will either be an Expression, allowing information about the calling instruction to be obtained, or null.


public void setOriginatingConstructType(int loc)
Set the type of creating expression (for use in diagnostics). When a new context is created, either this method or setOrigin(net.sf.saxon.trace.InstructionInfo) should be called.

loc - The originating location: the argument must be one of the integer constants in class Location


public int getOriginatingConstructType()
Get the type of location from which this context was created.


public InstructionInfo getOrigin()
Get information about the creating expression or other construct.


public void setStackFrame(SlotManager map,
                          ValueRepresentation[] variables)
Set the local stack frame. This method is used when creating a Closure to support delayed evaluation of expressions. The "stack frame" is actually on the Java heap, which means it can survive function returns and the like.

map - the SlotManager, which holds static details of the allocation of variables to slots
variables - the array of "slots" to hold the actual variable values. This array will be copied if it is too small to hold all the variables defined in the SlotManager


public void resetStackFrameMap(SlotManager map,
                               int numberOfParams)
Reset the stack frame variable map, while reusing the StackFrame object itself. This is done on a tail call to a different function

map - the SlotManager representing the stack frame contents
numberOfParams - the number of parameters required on the new stack frame


public ValueRepresentation[] getAllVariableValues()
Get a all the variables in the stack frame

an array holding all the variables, each referenceable by its slot number


public void resetAllVariableValues(ValueRepresentation[] values)
Overwrite all the variables in the stack frame

values - an array holding all the variables, each referenceable by its slot number; the caller must ensure this is the correct length (and valid in other ways)


public void resetParameterValues(ValueRepresentation[] values)
Overwrite all the parameters in the stack frame. (Used from compiled bytecode)

values - an array holding all the parameters, each referenceable by its slot number; the caller must ensure this is the correct length (and valid in other ways)


public void requestTailCall(UserFunction fn,
                            ValueRepresentation[] variables)
Reset the local stack frame. This method is used when processing a tail-recursive function. Instead of the function being called recursively, the parameters are set to new values and the function body is evaluated repeatedly

fn - the user function being called using tail recursion
variables - the parameter to be supplied to the user function


public UserFunction getTailCallFunction()
Determine whether the body of a function is to be repeated, due to tail-recursive function calls

null if no tail call has been requested, or the name of the function to be called otherwise


public void openStackFrame(SlotManager map)
Create a new stack frame for local variables, using the supplied SlotManager to define the allocation of slots to individual variables

map - the SlotManager for the new stack frame


public void openStackFrame(int numberOfVariables)
Create a new stack frame large enough to hold a given number of local variables, for which no stack frame map is available. This is used in particular when evaluating match patterns of template rules.

numberOfVariables - The number of local variables to be accommodated.


public void setCurrentMode(Mode mode)
Set the current mode.

mode - the new current mode


public Mode getCurrentMode()
Get the current mode.

Specified by:
getCurrentMode in interface XPathContext
getCurrentMode in class XPathContextMinor
the current mode. May return null if the current mode is the default mode.


public void setCurrentTemplateRule(Rule rule)
Set the current template. This is used to support xsl:apply-imports. The caller is responsible for remembering the previous current template and resetting it after use.

rule - the current template rule, or null to indicate that there is no current template rule


public Rule getCurrentTemplateRule()
Get the current template. This is used to support xsl:apply-imports

Specified by:
getCurrentTemplateRule in interface XPathContext
getCurrentTemplateRule in class XPathContextMinor
the current template


public void setCurrentGroupIterator(GroupIterator iterator)
Set the current grouping iterator. This supports the current-group() and current-grouping-key() functions in XSLT 2.0

iterator - the new current GroupIterator


public GroupIterator getCurrentGroupIterator()
Get the current group iterator. This supports the current-group() and current-grouping-key() functions in XSLT 2.0

Specified by:
getCurrentGroupIterator in interface XPathContext
getCurrentGroupIterator in class XPathContextMinor
the current grouped collection


public void setCurrentRegexIterator(RegexIterator currentRegexIterator)
Set the current regex iterator. This supports the functionality of the regex-group() function in XSLT 2.0.

currentRegexIterator - the current regex iterator


public RegexIterator getCurrentRegexIterator()
Get the current regex iterator. This supports the functionality of the regex-group() function in XSLT 2.0.

Specified by:
getCurrentRegexIterator in interface XPathContext
getCurrentRegexIterator in class XPathContextMinor
the current regular expressions iterator


public int useLocalParameter(int parameterId,
                             int slotNumber,
                             boolean isTunnel)
                      throws XPathException
Use local parameter. This is called when a local xsl:param element is processed. If a parameter of the relevant name was supplied, it is bound to the xsl:param element. Otherwise the method returns false, so the xsl:param default will be evaluated

Specified by:
useLocalParameter in interface XPathContext
useLocalParameter in class XPathContextMinor
parameterId -
slotNumber -
isTunnel - True if a tunnel parameter is required, else false @return ParameterSet.NOT_SUPPLIED, ParameterSet.SUPPLIED, or ParameterSet.SUPPLIED_AND_CHECKED
ParameterSet.NOT_SUPPLIED, ParameterSet.SUPPLIED, or ParameterSet.SUPPLIED_AND_CHECKED


public void setTemporaryOutputState(boolean temporary)
Set the XSLT output state to "temporary" or "final"

temporary - set to true to set temporary output state; false to set final output state


public boolean isTemporaryOutputState()
Ask whether the XSLT output state is "temporary" or "final"

Specified by:
isTemporaryOutputState in interface XPathContext
isTemporaryOutputState in class XPathContextMinor
true to set temporary output state; false to set final output state

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