Interface CallableExpression

All Known Implementing Classes:
Adjust, ArithmeticExpression10, AvailableEnvironmentVariables, Average, BaseURI, BooleanFn, CodepointEqual, Collection, Compare, Contains, ContextCall, CurrentDateTime, CurrentGroup, CurrentGroupingKey, DeepEqual, DistinctValues, Doc, DocumentFn, DocumentUriFn, ElementAvailable, EnvironmentVariable, Error, EscapeURI, FilterFn, FoldLeftFn, FoldRightFn, FormatDate, FormatInteger, FormatNumber, FunctionArity, FunctionAvailable, FunctionLookup, FunctionName, GeneralComparison, GeneralComparison10, GeneralComparison20, GeneralComparisonEE, Id, Idref, IndexOf, InScopePrefixes, Insert, IntegratedFunctionCall, Lang, MapFn, MapPairsFn, NamespaceForPrefix, Nilled, NormalizeUnicode, ParseJsonFn, ParseXml, Path, Remove, Replace, ResolveQName, ResolveURI, Reverse, Serialize, SerializeJsonFn, SimpleExpression, StringToCodepoints, Subsequence, SystemProperty, Tokenize, Trace, TreatFn, TypeAvailable, UnparsedEntity, UnparsedText, UnparsedTextAvailable, UnparsedTextLines, UriCollection, XPathFunctionCall

public interface CallableExpression

A generic interface for calling expressions by supplying the values of their subexpressions

Method Summary
 SequenceIterator<? extends Item> call(SequenceIterator<? extends Item>[] arguments, XPathContext context)
          Evaluate the expression
 Expression[] getArguments()
          Get the subexpressions (arguments to this expression)

Method Detail


Expression[] getArguments()
Get the subexpressions (arguments to this expression)

the arguments, as an array


SequenceIterator<? extends Item> call(SequenceIterator<? extends Item>[] arguments,
                                      XPathContext context)
                                      throws XPathException
Evaluate the expression

arguments - the values of the arguments, supplied as SequenceIterators
context - the dynamic evaluation context
the result of the evaluation, in the form of a SequenceIterator
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs during the evaluation of the expression

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