Interface ContextSwitchingExpression

All Known Implementing Classes:
FilterExpression, ForEach, IndexedFilterExpression, MultithreadedForEach, SimpleStepExpression, SlashExpression

public interface ContextSwitchingExpression

Interface implemented by expressions that switch the context, for example A/B or A[B]

Method Summary
 Expression getControlledExpression()
          Get the subexpression that is evaluated in the new context
 Expression getControllingExpression()
          Get the subexpression that sets the context item

Method Detail


Expression getControllingExpression()
Get the subexpression that sets the context item

the subexpression that sets the context item, position, and size to each of its items in turn


Expression getControlledExpression()
Get the subexpression that is evaluated in the new context

the subexpression evaluated in the context set by the controlling expression

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