Interface ComparisonExpression

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompareToIntegerConstant, EquivalenceComparison, GeneralComparison, GeneralComparison20, GeneralComparisonEE, ValueComparison

public interface ComparisonExpression
extends Serializable

Interface implemented by expressions that perform a comparison

Method Summary
 boolean convertsUntypedToOther()
          Determine whether untyped atomic values should be converted to the type of the other operand
 AtomicComparer getAtomicComparer()
          Get the AtomicComparer used to compare atomic values.
 Expression[] getOperands()
          Get the two operands of the comparison
 int getSingletonOperator()
          Get the primitive (singleton) operator used: one of Token.FEQ, Token.FNE, Token.FLT, Token.FGT, Token.FLE, Token.FGE

Method Detail


AtomicComparer getAtomicComparer()
Get the AtomicComparer used to compare atomic values. This encapsulates any collation that is used


int getSingletonOperator()
Get the primitive (singleton) operator used: one of Token.FEQ, Token.FNE, Token.FLT, Token.FGT, Token.FLE, Token.FGE


Expression[] getOperands()
Get the two operands of the comparison


boolean convertsUntypedToOther()
Determine whether untyped atomic values should be converted to the type of the other operand

true if untyped values should be converted to the type of the other operand, false if they should be converted to strings.

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