Class InstructionDetails

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.InstructionDetails
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SourceLocator, LocationProvider, SaxonLocator, InstructionInfo, Locator

public final class InstructionDetails
extends Object
implements InstructionInfo, Serializable

Details about an instruction, used when reporting errors and when tracing

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getColumnNumber()
          Get the column number identifying the position of the instruction.
 int getColumnNumber(long locationId)
          Get the column number within the document, entity, or module containing a particular location
 int getConstructType()
          Get the construct type
 int getLineNumber()
          Get the line number of the instruction within its module
 int getLineNumber(long locationId)
          Get the line number within the document, entity or module containing a particular location
 StructuredQName getObjectName()
          Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc.
 Iterator<String> getProperties()
          Get an iterator over all the properties available.
 Object getProperty(String name)
          Get a named property of the instruction
 String getPublicId()
          Get the public ID of the module containing the instruction.
 String getSystemId()
          Get the URI of the module containing the instruction
 String getSystemId(long locationId)
          Get the URI of the document, entity, or module containing a particular location
 void setColumnNumber(int column)
          Set the column number
 void setConstructType(int type)
          Set the type of construct
 void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
          Set the line number of the instruction within the module
 void setObjectName(StructuredQName qName)
          Set a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc.
 void setProperty(String name, Object value)
          Set a named property of the instruction
 void setSystemId(String systemId)
          Set the URI of the module containing the instruction
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InstructionDetails()
Method Detail


public void setConstructType(int type)
Set the type of construct

type - the type of contruct


public int getConstructType()
Get the construct type

Specified by:
getConstructType in interface InstructionInfo
an integer identifying the kind of construct


public void setSystemId(String systemId)
Set the URI of the module containing the instruction

systemId - the module's URI, or null indicating unknown


public String getSystemId()
Get the URI of the module containing the instruction

Specified by:
getSystemId in interface SourceLocator
Specified by:
getSystemId in interface InstructionInfo
Specified by:
getSystemId in interface Locator
the module's URI, or null indicating unknown


public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
Set the line number of the instruction within the module

lineNumber - the line number


public int getLineNumber()
Get the line number of the instruction within its module

Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface SourceLocator
Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface InstructionInfo
Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface Locator
the line number


public void setObjectName(StructuredQName qName)
Set a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.

qName - the name of the object, for example a function or variable name, or null to indicate that it has no name


public StructuredQName getObjectName()
Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.

Specified by:
getObjectName in interface InstructionInfo
the name of the object, or null to indicate that it has no name


public void setProperty(String name,
                        Object value)
Set a named property of the instruction

name - the name of the property
value - the value of the property


public Object getProperty(String name)
Get a named property of the instruction

Specified by:
getProperty in interface InstructionInfo
name - name of the property
the value of the named property


public Iterator<String> getProperties()
Get an iterator over all the properties available. The values returned by the iterator will be of type String, and each string can be supplied as input to the getProperty() method to retrieve the value of the property.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface InstructionInfo
an iterator over the names of the properties


public String getPublicId()
Get the public ID of the module containing the instruction. This method is provided to satisfy the SourceLocator interface. However, the public ID is not maintained by Saxon, and the method always returns null

Specified by:
getPublicId in interface SourceLocator
Specified by:
getPublicId in interface Locator


public void setColumnNumber(int column)
Set the column number

column - the column number of the instruction in the source module


public int getColumnNumber()
Get the column number identifying the position of the instruction.

Specified by:
getColumnNumber in interface SourceLocator
Specified by:
getColumnNumber in interface Locator
-1 if column number is not known


public String getSystemId(long locationId)
Description copied from interface: LocationProvider
Get the URI of the document, entity, or module containing a particular location

Specified by:
getSystemId in interface LocationProvider
locationId - identifier of the location in question (as passed down the Receiver pipeline)
the URI of the document, XML entity or module. For a SourceLocationProvider this will be the URI of the document or entity (the URI that would be the base URI if there were no xml:base attributes). In other cases it may identify the query or stylesheet module currently being executed.


public int getLineNumber(long locationId)
Description copied from interface: LocationProvider
Get the line number within the document, entity or module containing a particular location

Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface LocationProvider
locationId - identifier of the location in question (as passed down the Receiver pipeline)
the line number within the document, entity or module, or -1 if no information is available.


public int getColumnNumber(long locationId)
Description copied from interface: LocationProvider
Get the column number within the document, entity, or module containing a particular location

Specified by:
getColumnNumber in interface LocationProvider
locationId - identifier of the location in question (as passed down the Receiver pipeline)
the column number within the document, entity, or module, or -1 if this is not available

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