Class AbstractNumberer

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.number.AbstractNumberer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Numberer
Direct Known Subclasses:
Numberer_da, Numberer_de, Numberer_en, Numberer_fr, Numberer_frBE, Numberer_it, Numberer_nl, Numberer_nlBE, Numberer_sv

public abstract class AbstractNumberer
extends Object
implements Numberer, Serializable

Class AbstractNumberer is a base implementation of Numberer that provides language-independent default numbering This supports the xsl:number element. Methods and data are declared as protected, and static is avoided, to allow easy subclassing.

Michael H. Kay
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static String cyrillicLower
protected static String cyrillicUpper
protected static String greekLower
protected static String greekUpper
protected static String hebrew
protected static String hiraganaA
protected static String hiraganaI
protected static String katakanaA
protected static String katakanaI
protected static String latinLower
protected static String latinUpper
static int LOWER_CASE
static int TITLE_CASE
static int UPPER_CASE
protected static int[] westernDigits
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void alphaDefault(long number, char formchar, FastStringBuffer sb)
          Default processing with an alphabetic format token: use the contiguous range of Unicode letters starting with that token.
abstract  String dayName(int day, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get a day name or abbreviation
 String format(long number, String picture, int groupSize, String groupSeparator, String letterValue, String ordinal)
          Format a number into a string.
 String format(long number, String picture, NumericGroupFormatter numGroupFormatter, String letterValue, String ordinal)
          Format a number into a string
 String getCalendarName(String code)
          Get the name of a calendar
 String getCountry()
          Get the country used by this numberer.
 String getEraName(int year)
          Get the name for an era (e.g.
 String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)
          Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time.
 String halfDayName(int minutes, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get an am/pm indicator.
abstract  String monthName(int month, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get a month name or abbreviation
protected  String ordinalSuffix(String ordinalParam, long number)
          Construct the ordinal suffix for a number, for example "st", "nd", "rd".
 void setCountry(String country)
          Set the country used by this numberer (currenly used only for names of timezones)
protected  String toAlpha(long number, int min, int max)
          Format the number as an alphabetic label using the alphabet consisting of consecutive Unicode characters from min to max
protected  String toAlphaSequence(long number, String alphabet)
          Convert the number into an alphabetic label using a given alphabet.
 String toJapanese(long number)
          Format the number in Japanese.
abstract  String toOrdinalWords(String ordinalParam, long number, int wordCase)
          Show an ordinal number as English words in a requested case (for example, Twentyfirst)
static String toRoman(long n)
          Generate a Roman numeral (in lower case)
abstract  String toWords(long number)
          Show the number as words in title case.
 String toWords(long number, int wordCase)
          Format a number as English words with specified case options
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UPPER_CASE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LOWER_CASE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TITLE_CASE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int[] westernDigits


protected static final String latinUpper
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String latinLower
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String greekUpper
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String greekLower
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String cyrillicUpper
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String cyrillicLower
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String hebrew
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String hiraganaA
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String katakanaA
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String hiraganaI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String katakanaI
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AbstractNumberer()
Method Detail


public void setCountry(String country)
Set the country used by this numberer (currenly used only for names of timezones)

Specified by:
setCountry in interface Numberer
country - The ISO two-letter country code.


public String getCountry()
Get the country used by this numberer.

Specified by:
getCountry in interface Numberer
the country used by this numberer, or null if no country has been set


public final String format(long number,
                           String picture,
                           int groupSize,
                           String groupSeparator,
                           String letterValue,
                           String ordinal)
Format a number into a string. This method is provided for backwards compatibility. It merely calls the other format method after constructing a RegularGroupFormatter. The method is final; localization subclasses should implement the method format(long, String, NumericGroupFormatter, String, String) rather than this method.

Specified by:
format in interface Numberer
number - The number to be formatted
picture - The format token. This is a single component of the format attribute of xsl:number, e.g. "1", "01", "i", or "a"
groupSize - number of digits per group (0 implies no grouping)
groupSeparator - string to appear between groups of digits
letterValue - The letter-value specified to xsl:number: "alphabetic" or "traditional". Can also be an empty string or null.
ordinal - The value of the ordinal attribute specified to xsl:number The value "yes" indicates that ordinal numbers should be used; "" or null indicates that cardinal numbers
the formatted number. Note that no errors are reported; if the request is invalid, the number is formatted as if the string() function were used.


public String format(long number,
                     String picture,
                     NumericGroupFormatter numGroupFormatter,
                     String letterValue,
                     String ordinal)
Format a number into a string

Specified by:
format in interface Numberer
number - The number to be formatted
picture - The format token. This is a single component of the format attribute of xsl:number, e.g. "1", "01", "i", or "a"
numGroupFormatter - object contains separators to appear between groups of digits
letterValue - The letter-value specified to xsl:number: "alphabetic" or "traditional". Can also be an empty string or null.
ordinal - The value of the ordinal attribute specified to xsl:number The value "yes" indicates that ordinal numbers should be used; "" or null indicates that cardinal numbers
the formatted number. Note that no errors are reported; if the request is invalid, the number is formatted as if the string() function were used.


protected String ordinalSuffix(String ordinalParam,
                               long number)
Construct the ordinal suffix for a number, for example "st", "nd", "rd". The default (language-neutral) implementation returns a zero-length string

ordinalParam - the value of the ordinal attribute (used in non-English language implementations)
number - the number being formatted
the ordinal suffix to be appended to the formatted number


protected void alphaDefault(long number,
                            char formchar,
                            FastStringBuffer sb)
Default processing with an alphabetic format token: use the contiguous range of Unicode letters starting with that token.

number - the number to be formatted
formchar - the format character, for example 'A' for the numbering sequence A,B,C
sb - buffer to hold the result of the formatting


protected String toAlpha(long number,
                         int min,
                         int max)
Format the number as an alphabetic label using the alphabet consisting of consecutive Unicode characters from min to max

number - the number to be formatted
min - the start of the Unicode codepoint range
max - the end of the Unicode codepoint range
the formatted number


protected String toAlphaSequence(long number,
                                 String alphabet)
Convert the number into an alphabetic label using a given alphabet. For example, if the alphabet is "xyz" the sequence is x, y, z, xx, xy, xz, ....

number - the number to be formatted
alphabet - a string containing the characters to be used, for example ""
the formatted number


public static String toRoman(long n)
Generate a Roman numeral (in lower case)

n - the number to be formatted
the Roman numeral representation of the number in lower case


public String toJapanese(long number)
Format the number in Japanese.

number - the number to be formatted: formatted in Western decimal style unless in the range 1 to 9999
the Japanese Kanji representation of the number if in the range 1-9999


public abstract String toWords(long number)
Show the number as words in title case. (We choose title case because the result can then be converted algorithmically to lower case or upper case).

number - the number to be formatted
the number formatted as English words


public String toWords(long number,
                      int wordCase)
Format a number as English words with specified case options

number - the number to be formatted
wordCase - the required case for example UPPER_CASE, LOWER_CASE, TITLE_CASE
the formatted number


public abstract String toOrdinalWords(String ordinalParam,
                                      long number,
                                      int wordCase)
Show an ordinal number as English words in a requested case (for example, Twentyfirst)

ordinalParam - the value of the "ordinal" attribute as supplied by the user
number - the number to be formatted
wordCase - the required case for example UPPER_CASE, LOWER_CASE, TITLE_CASE
the formatted number


public abstract String monthName(int month,
                                 int minWidth,
                                 int maxWidth)
Get a month name or abbreviation

Specified by:
monthName in interface Numberer
month - The month number (1=January, 12=December)
minWidth - The minimum number of characters
maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
the month name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "September" or "Sep")


public abstract String dayName(int day,
                               int minWidth,
                               int maxWidth)
Get a day name or abbreviation

Specified by:
dayName in interface Numberer
day - The day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
minWidth - The minimum number of characters
maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
the day name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "Monday" or "Mon")


public String halfDayName(int minutes,
                          int minWidth,
                          int maxWidth)
Get an am/pm indicator. Default implementation works for English, on the basis that some other languages might like to copy this (most non-English countries don't actually use the 12-hour clock, so it's irrelevant).

Specified by:
halfDayName in interface Numberer
minutes - the minutes within the day
minWidth - minimum width of output
maxWidth - maximum width of output
the AM or PM indicator


public String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)
Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time.

Specified by:
getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime in interface Numberer
component - the component specifier from a format-dateTime picture, for example "M" for the month or "D" for the day.
a string that is acceptable in the ordinal attribute of xsl:number to achieve the required ordinal representation. For example, "-e" for the day component in German, to have the day represented as "dritte August".


public String getEraName(int year)
Get the name for an era (e.g. "BC" or "AD")

Specified by:
getEraName in interface Numberer
year - the proleptic gregorian year, using "0" for the year before 1AD
the name of the era, for example "AD"


public String getCalendarName(String code)
Get the name of a calendar

Specified by:
getCalendarName in interface Numberer
code - The code representing the calendar as in the XSLT 2.0 spec, e.g. AD for the Gregorian calendar
the name of the calendar, for example "AD"

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