Package net.sf.saxon.expr.number

This package provides classes associated with numbering and the xsl:number element.


Class Summary
AbstractNumberer Class AbstractNumberer is a base implementation of Numberer that provides language-independent default numbering This supports the xsl:number element.
Alphanumeric This class contains static utility methods to test whether a character is alphanumeric, as defined by the rules of xsl:number: that is, whether it is in one of the Unicode categories Nd, Nl, No, Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm or Lo
IrregularGroupFormatter Handles grouping separators when formatting a number in cases where the grouping separators are not at regular intervals
NamedTimeZone This class attempts to identify a timezone name, given the date (including the time zone offset) and the country.
Numberer_en Numberer class for the English language.
NumberFormatter Class NumberFormatter defines a method to format a ArrayList of integers as a character string according to a supplied format specification.
NumericGroupFormatter A NumericGroupFormatter is responsible for insertion of grouping separators into a formatted number (for example, reformatting "1234" as "1,234").
RegularGroupFormatter A RegularGroupFormatter is a NumericGroupFormatter that inserts a separator at constant intervals through a number: for example, a comma after every three digits counting from the right.

Package net.sf.saxon.expr.number Description

This package provides classes associated with numbering and the xsl:number element.

It is possible to extend the range of numberings available by providing a Numberer for a specific language. This must be registered with the Configuration. In earlier releases, there was a fixed relationship between the language and the implementing class (the Numberer was always named Numberer_xx where xx is the language code, corresponding to the value of the lang attribute in xsl:number). From Saxon 9.2, this relationship no longer exists.

These classes also include code to support the localization of dates as defined in the XSLT format-dateTime() group of functions.

The class Numberer_en provides the standard numbering options. As well as the format tokens defined in the XSLT 1.0 specification (for example, "1", "001", "a", "i") it supports other numbering options including:

  • Localizations for a number of European languages are provided in package net.sf.saxon.option.local. In Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE these are issued in binary form as part of the Saxon JAR. For Saxon-HE, they are issued only in source code form.

    Michael H. Kay
    Saxonica Limited
    12 June 2009

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