Class ExpressionTool

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.ExpressionTool

public class ExpressionTool
extends Object

This class, ExpressionTool, contains a number of useful static methods for manipulating expressions. Most importantly, it provides the factory method make() for constructing a new expression

Field Summary
static int MAKE_CLOSURE
static int PROCESS
static int UNDECIDED
Method Summary
static int allocateSlots(Expression exp, int nextFree, SlotManager frame)
          Allocate slot numbers to range variables
static boolean callsFunction(Expression exp, StructuredQName qName)
          Determine whether an expression contains a call on the function with a given fingerprint
static boolean containsLocalParam(Expression exp)
          Determine whether an expression contains a LocalParamSetter subexpression
static void copyLocationInfo(Expression from, Expression to)
          Copy location information (the line number and reference to the container) from one expression to another
static boolean dependsOnFocus(Expression exp)
          Ask whether an expression has a dependency on the focus
static boolean dependsOnVariable(Expression e, Binding[] bindingList)
          Determine whether an expression depends on any one of a set of variables
static ValueRepresentation eagerEvaluate(Expression exp, XPathContext context)
          Evaluate an expression now; lazy evaluation is not permitted in this case
static int eagerEvaluationMode(Expression exp)
          Determine the method of evaluation to be used when lazy evaluation of an expression is preferred.
static void ebvError(String reason)
          Report an error in computing the effective boolean value of an expression
static boolean effectiveBooleanValue(Item item)
          Determine the effective boolean value of a single item
static boolean effectiveBooleanValue(SequenceIterator<? extends Item> iterator)
          Determine the effective boolean value of a sequence, given an iterator over the sequence
static ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> evaluate(Expression exp, int evaluationMode, XPathContext context, int ref)
          Do lazy evaluation of an expression.
static int expressionSize(Expression exp)
          Get the size of an expression tree (the number of subexpressions it contains)
static void gatherAllSubExpressions(Expression exp, HashSet set)
          Gather the set of all the subexpressions of an expression (the transitive closure)
static void gatherCalledFunctionNames(Expression e, List list)
          Gather a list of the names of the user-defined functions which a given expression calls directly
static void gatherCalledFunctions(Expression e, List<UserFunction> list)
          Gather a list of all the user-defined functions which a given expression calls directly
static void gatherReferencedVariables(Expression e, List<Binding> list)
          Gather a list of all the variable bindings on which a given expression depends
static void gatherVariableReferences(Expression exp, Binding binding, List<VariableReference> list)
          Get a list of all references to a particular variable within a subtree
static URI getBaseURI(StaticContext env, SourceLocator locator, boolean fail)
          Determine the base URI of an expression, so that it can be saved on the expression tree for use when the expression is evaluated
static String getCurrentDirectory()
static int getReferenceCount(Expression exp, Binding binding, boolean inLoop)
          Determine how often a variable is referenced.
static String indent(int level)
          Construct indent string, for diagnostic output
static boolean isAllowedInUpdatingContext(Expression exp)
          Determine whether the expression is either an updating expression, or an expression that is permitted in a context where updating expressions are allowed
static ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> lazyEvaluate(Expression exp, XPathContext context, int ref)
          Do lazy evaluation of an expression.
static int lazyEvaluationMode(Expression exp)
          Determine the method of evaluation to be used when lazy evaluation of an expression is preferred.
static Expression make(String expression, StaticContext env, Container container, int start, int terminator, int lineNumber, CodeInjector codeInjector)
          Parse an XPath expression.
static Expression makePathExpression(Expression start, Expression step, boolean sortAndDeduplicate)
          Make a mapping expression.
static int markTailFunctionCalls(Expression exp, StructuredQName qName, int arity)
          Scan an expression to find and mark any recursive tail function calls
static Stack<Expression> pathToContainedExpression(Expression ancestor, Expression child, Stack<Expression> expressionStack)
          Check if child expression is a sub-expression of a expression
static void rebindVariableReferences(Expression exp, Binding oldBinding, Binding newBinding)
          Rebind all variable references to a binding
static boolean refersToVariableOrFunction(Expression e)
          Determine whether the expression contains any variable references or calls to user-written functions
static void replaceNthSubexpression(Expression target, int n, Expression replacement)
          Replace the Nth subexpression of an expression
static void resetPropertiesWithinSubtree(Expression exp)
          Reset cached static properties within a subtree, meaning that they have to be recalulated next time they are required
static Expression resolveCallsToCurrentFunction(Expression exp, Configuration config)
          Resolve calls to the XSLT current() function within an expression
static boolean selectsOutwards(Expression e)
          Tests whether an expression performs navigation downwards or sideways
static boolean selectsSideways(Expression e)
          Tests whether an expression performs navigation downwards or sideways
static Expression tryToFactorOutDot(Expression exp, ItemType contextItemType)
          Try to factor out dependencies on the context item, by rewriting an expression f(.) as let $dot := .
static Expression unsorted(Optimizer opt, Expression exp, boolean retainAllNodes)
          Remove unwanted sorting from an expression, at compile time
static Expression unsortedIfHomogeneous(Optimizer opt, Expression exp)
          Remove unwanted sorting from an expression, at compile time, if and only if it is known that the result of the expression will be homogeneous (all nodes, or all atomic values).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNDECIDED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_EVALUATION_NEEDED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVALUATE_VARIABLE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAKE_CLOSURE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAKE_MEMO_CLOSURE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RETURN_EMPTY_SEQUENCE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CALL_EVALUATE_ITEM
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ITERATE_AND_MATERIALIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROCESS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LAZY_TAIL_EXPRESSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SHARED_APPEND_EXPRESSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAKE_INDEXED_VARIABLE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAKE_SINGLETON_CLOSURE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVALUATE_SUPPLIED_PARAMETER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static Expression make(String expression,
                              StaticContext env,
                              Container container,
                              int start,
                              int terminator,
                              int lineNumber,
                              CodeInjector codeInjector)
                       throws XPathException
Parse an XPath expression. This performs the basic analysis of the expression against the grammar, it binds variable references and function calls to variable definitions and function definitions, and it performs context-independent expression rewriting for optimization purposes.

expression - The expression (as a character string)
env - An object giving information about the compile-time context of the expression
container - The expression's container
start - position of the first significant character in the expression
terminator - The token that marks the end of this expression; typically Token.EOF, but may for example be a right curly brace
lineNumber - the line number of the start of the expression
codeInjector - true allows injection of tracing, debugging, or performance monitoring code; null if not required
an object of type Expression
XPathException - if the expression contains a static error


public static void copyLocationInfo(Expression from,
                                    Expression to)
Copy location information (the line number and reference to the container) from one expression to another

from - the expression containing the location information
to - the expression to which the information is to be copied


public static Expression unsorted(Optimizer opt,
                                  Expression exp,
                                  boolean retainAllNodes)
                           throws XPathException
Remove unwanted sorting from an expression, at compile time

opt - the expression optimizer
exp - the expression to be optimized
retainAllNodes - true if there is a need to retain exactly those nodes returned by exp even if there are duplicates; false if the caller doesn't mind whether duplicate nodes are retained or eliminated
the expression after rewriting
XPathException - if a static error is found while doing the rewrite


public static Expression unsortedIfHomogeneous(Optimizer opt,
                                               Expression exp)
                                        throws XPathException
Remove unwanted sorting from an expression, at compile time, if and only if it is known that the result of the expression will be homogeneous (all nodes, or all atomic values). This is done when we need the effective boolean value of a sequence: the EBV of a homogenous sequence does not depend on its order, but this is not true when atomic values and nodes are mixed: (N, AV) is true, but (AV, N) is an error.

opt - the expression optimizer
exp - the expression to be optimized
the expression after rewriting
XPathException - if a static error is found while doing the rewrite


public static int lazyEvaluationMode(Expression exp)
Determine the method of evaluation to be used when lazy evaluation of an expression is preferred. This method is called at compile time, after all optimizations have been done, to determine the preferred strategy for lazy evaluation, depending on the type of expression.

exp - the expression to be evaluated
an integer constant identifying the evaluation mode


public static int eagerEvaluationMode(Expression exp)
Determine the method of evaluation to be used when lazy evaluation of an expression is preferred. This method is called at compile time, after all optimizations have been done, to determine the preferred strategy for lazy evaluation, depending on the type of expression.

exp - the expression to be evaluated
an integer constant identifying the evaluation mode


public static ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> evaluate(Expression exp,
                                                           int evaluationMode,
                                                           XPathContext context,
                                                           int ref)
                                                    throws XPathException
Do lazy evaluation of an expression. This will return a value, which may optionally be a SequenceIntent, which is a wrapper around an iterator over the value of the expression.

exp - the expression to be evaluated
evaluationMode - the evaluation mode for this expression
context - the run-time evaluation context for the expression. If the expression is not evaluated immediately, then parts of the context on which the expression depends need to be saved as part of the Closure
ref - an indication of how the value will be used. The value 1 indicates that the value is only expected to be used once, so that there is no need to keep it in memory. A small value >1 indicates multiple references, so the value will be saved when first evaluated. The special value FILTERED indicates a reference within a loop of the form $x[predicate], indicating that the value should be saved in a way that permits indexing.
a value: either the actual value obtained by evaluating the expression, or a Closure containing all the information needed to evaluate it later
XPathException - if any error occurs in evaluating the expression


public static ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> lazyEvaluate(Expression exp,
                                                               XPathContext context,
                                                               int ref)
                                                        throws XPathException
Do lazy evaluation of an expression. This will return a value, which may optionally be a SequenceIntent, which is a wrapper around an iterator over the value of the expression.

exp - the expression to be evaluated
context - the run-time evaluation context for the expression. If the expression is not evaluated immediately, then parts of the context on which the expression depends need to be saved as part of the Closure
ref - an indication of how the value will be used. The value 1 indicates that the value is only expected to be used once, so that there is no need to keep it in memory. A small value >1 indicates multiple references, so the value will be saved when first evaluated. The special value FILTERED indicates a reference within a loop of the form $x[predicate], indicating that the value should be saved in a way that permits indexing.
a value: either the actual value obtained by evaluating the expression, or a Closure containing all the information needed to evaluate it later
XPathException - if any error occurs in evaluating the expression


public static ValueRepresentation eagerEvaluate(Expression exp,
                                                XPathContext context)
                                         throws XPathException
Evaluate an expression now; lazy evaluation is not permitted in this case

exp - the expression to be evaluated
context - the run-time evaluation context
the result of evaluating the expression
XPathException - if any dynamic error occurs evaluating the expression


public static int markTailFunctionCalls(Expression exp,
                                        StructuredQName qName,
                                        int arity)
Scan an expression to find and mark any recursive tail function calls

exp - the expression to be analyzed
qName - the name of the containing function
arity - the arity of the containing function
0 if no tail call was found; 1 if a tail call to a different function was found; 2 if a tail call to the specified function was found. In this case the UserFunctionCall object representing the tail function call will also have been marked as a tail call.


public static String indent(int level)
Construct indent string, for diagnostic output

level - the indentation level (the number of spaces to return)
a string of "level*2" spaces


public static boolean containsLocalParam(Expression exp)
Determine whether an expression contains a LocalParamSetter subexpression

exp - the expression to be tested


public static int allocateSlots(Expression exp,
                                int nextFree,
                                SlotManager frame)
Allocate slot numbers to range variables

exp - the expression whose range variables need to have slot numbers assigned
nextFree - the next slot number that is available for allocation
frame - a SlotManager object that is used to track the mapping of slot numbers to variable names for debugging purposes. May be null.
the next unallocated slot number.


public static boolean effectiveBooleanValue(SequenceIterator<? extends Item> iterator)
                                     throws XPathException
Determine the effective boolean value of a sequence, given an iterator over the sequence

iterator - An iterator over the sequence whose effective boolean value is required
the effective boolean value
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public static boolean effectiveBooleanValue(Item item)
                                     throws XPathException
Determine the effective boolean value of a single item

item - the item whose effective boolean value is required
the effective boolean value
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public static void ebvError(String reason)
                     throws XPathException
Report an error in computing the effective boolean value of an expression

reason - the nature of the error


public static boolean dependsOnFocus(Expression exp)
Ask whether an expression has a dependency on the focus

exp - the expression
true if the value of the expression depends on the context item, position, or size


public static boolean dependsOnVariable(Expression e,
                                        Binding[] bindingList)
Determine whether an expression depends on any one of a set of variables

e - the expression being tested
bindingList - the set of variables being tested
true if the expression depends on one of the given variables


public static void gatherReferencedVariables(Expression e,
                                             List<Binding> list)
Gather a list of all the variable bindings on which a given expression depends

e - the expression being tested
list - a list to which the bindings are to be added. The items in this list must implement Binding


public static boolean refersToVariableOrFunction(Expression e)
Determine whether the expression contains any variable references or calls to user-written functions

e - the expression being tested
true if the expression includes a variable reference or function call, or an XSLT construct equivalent to a function call (e.g call-template)


public static boolean callsFunction(Expression exp,
                                    StructuredQName qName)
Determine whether an expression contains a call on the function with a given fingerprint

exp - The expression being tested
qName - The name of the function
true if the expression contains a call on the function


public static void gatherCalledFunctions(Expression e,
                                         List<UserFunction> list)
Gather a list of all the user-defined functions which a given expression calls directly

e - the expression being tested
list - a list of the functions that are called. The items in this list must be objects of class UserFunction


public static void gatherCalledFunctionNames(Expression e,
                                             List list)
Gather a list of the names of the user-defined functions which a given expression calls directly

e - the expression being tested
list - a list of the functions that are called. The items in this list are strings in the format "{uri}local/arity"


public static void resetPropertiesWithinSubtree(Expression exp)
Reset cached static properties within a subtree, meaning that they have to be recalulated next time they are required

exp - the root of the subtree within which static properties should be reset


public static Expression resolveCallsToCurrentFunction(Expression exp,
                                                       Configuration config)
                                                throws XPathException
Resolve calls to the XSLT current() function within an expression

exp - the expression within which calls to current() should be resolved
config - the Saxon configuration
the expression after resolving calls to current()
XPathException - if a static error is detected


public static void gatherVariableReferences(Expression exp,
                                            Binding binding,
                                            List<VariableReference> list)
Get a list of all references to a particular variable within a subtree

exp - the expression at the root of the subtree
binding - the variable binding whose references are sought
list - a list to be populated with the references to this variable


public static int getReferenceCount(Expression exp,
                                    Binding binding,
                                    boolean inLoop)
Determine how often a variable is referenced. This is the number of times it is referenced at run-time: so a reference in a loop counts as "many". This code currently handles local variables (Let expressions) and function parameters. It is not currently used for XSLT template parameters. It's not the end of the world if the answer is wrong (unless it's wrongly given as zero), but if wrongly returned as 1 then the variable will be repeatedly evaluated.

exp - the expression within which variable references are to be counted
binding - identifies the variable of interest
inLoop - true if the expression is within a loop, in which case a reference counts as many. This should be set to false on the initial call, it may be set to true on an internal recursive call
the number of references. The interesting values are 0, 1, "many" (represented by any value >1), and the special value FILTERED, which indicates that there are multiple references and one or more of them is of the form $x[....] indicating that an index might be useful.


public static void gatherAllSubExpressions(Expression exp,
                                           HashSet set)
Gather the set of all the subexpressions of an expression (the transitive closure)

exp - the parent expression
set - the set to be populated; on return it will contain all the subexpressions. Beware that testing for membership of a set of expressions relies on the equals() comparison, which does not test identity.


public static Stack<Expression> pathToContainedExpression(Expression ancestor,
                                                          Expression child,
                                                          Stack<Expression> expressionStack)
Check if child expression is a sub-expression of a expression

ancestor - the ancestor expression
child - the child expressions.


public static int expressionSize(Expression exp)
Get the size of an expression tree (the number of subexpressions it contains)

exp - the expression whose size is required
the size of the expression tree, as the number of nodes


public static void rebindVariableReferences(Expression exp,
                                            Binding oldBinding,
                                            Binding newBinding)
Rebind all variable references to a binding

exp - the expression whose contained variable references are to be rebound
oldBinding - the old binding for the variable references
newBinding - the new binding to which the variables should be rebound


public static Expression makePathExpression(Expression start,
                                            Expression step,
                                            boolean sortAndDeduplicate)
Make a mapping expression. The resulting expression will include logic to check that the first operand returns nodes, and that the expression as a whole is homogeneous, unless the caller requests otherwise.

start - the start expression (the first operand of "/")
step - the step expression (the second operand of "/")
sortAndDeduplicate - set to true if this is a path expression ("/") where the result needs to be homogenous, and needs to be sorted and deduplicated if it consists of nodes. Set to false if the caller knows that this is not necessary (typically because it has already been checked).
the resulting expression.


public static Expression tryToFactorOutDot(Expression exp,
                                           ItemType contextItemType)
Try to factor out dependencies on the context item, by rewriting an expression f(.) as let $dot := . return f($dot). This is not always possible, for example where f() is an extension function call that uses XPathContext as an implicit argument. However, doing this increases the chances of distributing a "where" condition in a FLWOR expression to the individual input sequences selected by the "for" clauses.

exp - the expression from which references to "." should be factored out if possible
contextItemType - the static type of the context item
either the expression, after binding "." to a local variable and replacing all references to it; or null, if no changes were made.


public static boolean isAllowedInUpdatingContext(Expression exp)
Determine whether the expression is either an updating expression, or an expression that is permitted in a context where updating expressions are allowed

exp - the expression under test
true if the expression is an updating expression, or an empty sequence, or a call on error()


public static void replaceNthSubexpression(Expression target,
                                           int n,
                                           Expression replacement)
Replace the Nth subexpression of an expression

target - the parent expression whose subexpression is to be replaced
n - the index of the subexpression to be replaced (starting at zero)
replacement - the replacement subexpression


public static boolean selectsOutwards(Expression e)
Tests whether an expression performs navigation downwards or sideways

e - the expression
true if the expression uses a downwards or sideways axis


public static boolean selectsSideways(Expression e)
Tests whether an expression performs navigation downwards or sideways

e - the expression
true if the expression uses a downwards or sideways axis


public static String getCurrentDirectory()


public static URI getBaseURI(StaticContext env,
                             SourceLocator locator,
                             boolean fail)
                      throws XPathException
Determine the base URI of an expression, so that it can be saved on the expression tree for use when the expression is evaluated

env - the static context
locator - location of the expression for error messages
fail - if true, the method throws an exception when there is no absolute base URI; otherwise, the method returns null @return the absolute base URI of the expression

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