Interface SubstringMatcher

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, StringCollator
All Known Implementing Classes:
CodepointCollator, RuleBasedSubstringMatcher

public interface SubstringMatcher
extends StringCollator

This interface is implemented by a collation that is capable of supporting the XPath functions that require matching of a substring: namely contains(), starts-with, ends-with, substring-before, and substring-after. For sorting and comparing strings, a collation needs to implement only the StringCollator interface; for matching of substrings, it must also implement this interface.

Method Summary
 boolean contains(String s1, String s2)
          Test whether one string contains another, according to the rules of the XPath contains() function
 boolean endsWith(String s1, String s2)
          Test whether one string ends with another, according to the rules of the XPath ends-with() function
 boolean startsWith(String s1, String s2)
          Test whether one string starts with another, according to the rules of the XPath starts-with() function
 String substringAfter(String s1, String s2)
          Return the part of a string after a given substring, according to the rules of the XPath substring-after() function
 String substringBefore(String s1, String s2)
          Return the part of a string before a given substring, according to the rules of the XPath substring-before() function
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.lib.StringCollator
comparesEqual, compareStrings, getCollationKey

Method Detail


boolean contains(String s1,
                 String s2)
Test whether one string contains another, according to the rules of the XPath contains() function

s1 - the containing string
s2 - the contained string
true iff s1 contains s2


boolean startsWith(String s1,
                   String s2)
Test whether one string starts with another, according to the rules of the XPath starts-with() function

s1 - the containing string
s2 - the contained string
true iff s1 starts with s2


boolean endsWith(String s1,
                 String s2)
Test whether one string ends with another, according to the rules of the XPath ends-with() function

s1 - the containing string
s2 - the contained string
true iff s1 ends with s2


String substringBefore(String s1,
                       String s2)
Return the part of a string before a given substring, according to the rules of the XPath substring-before() function

s1 - the containing string
s2 - the contained string
the part of s1 that precedes the first occurrence of s2


String substringAfter(String s1,
                      String s2)
Return the part of a string after a given substring, according to the rules of the XPath substring-after() function

s1 - the containing string
s2 - the contained string
the part of s1 that follows the first occurrence of s2

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