Package net.sf.saxon.lib

This package collects together interfaces intended for user applications to implement in order to customize Saxon's behavior, default implementations of these interfaces, and classes containing constants that are used in public Saxon interfaces.


Interface Summary
CollationURIResolver A CollationURIResolver accepts a collation name as input, and returns a collation (represented by a StringCollator as output.
CollectionURIResolver This interface defines a CollectionURIResolver.
ExternalObjectModel This interface must be implemented by any third-party object model that can be wrapped with a wrapper that implements the Saxon Object Model (the NodeInfo interface).
Initializer This interface can be implemented by users (there are no implementations in Saxon itself).
ModuleURIResolver A ModuleURIResolver is used when resolving references to query modules.
Numberer Interface Numberer supports number formatting.
OutputURIResolver This interface defines an OutputURIResolver.
RelativeURIResolver The standard JAXP URIResolver is given a relative URI and a base URI and returns the resource identified by this combination.
SchemaURIResolver A SchemaURIResolver is used when resolving references to schema documents.
SourceResolver This interface defines a SourceResolver.
StringCollator This interface represents a "collation" as defined in XPath, that is, a set of rules for comparing strings
SubstringMatcher This interface is implemented by a collation that is capable of supporting the XPath functions that require matching of a substring: namely contains(), starts-with, ends-with, substring-before, and substring-after.
TraceListener This interface defines methods that are called by Saxon during the execution of a stylesheet, if tracing is switched on.
UnparsedTextURIResolver An UnparsedTextURIResolver accepts an absolute URI and optionally an encoding name as input, and returns a Reader as its result.
URIChecker This interface defines a method for checking whether a string is considered to be a valid URI.
ValidationStatisticsRecipient Defines a class that is notified of validation statistics at the end of a validation episode

Class Summary
AugmentedSource This class is an extension of the JAXP Source interface.
ConversionRules This class defines a set of rules for converting between different atomic types.
ExtensionFunctionCall This abstract class is provided to allow user-written extension functions to be implemented with the full capabilities of functions that are an intrinsic part of the Saxon product.
ExtensionFunctionDefinition This abstract class is provided to allow user-written extension functions to be implemented with the full capabilities of functions that are an intrinsic part of the Saxon product.
FeatureKeys FeatureKeys defines a set of constants, representing the names of Saxon configuration options which can be supplied to the Saxon implementations of the JAXP interfaces TransformerFactory, SchemaFactory, Validator, and ValidationHandler, and to other interfaces such as the s9api Processor
LocalizerFactory Interface allowing localization modules for different languages to be dynamically loaded
NamespaceConstant This class is not instantiated, it exists to hold a set of constants representing known namespaces.
ParseOptions This class defines options for parsing a source document
SaxonOutputKeys Provides string constants that can be used to set output properties for a Transformer, or to retrieve output properties from a Transformer or Templates object.
SerializerFactory Helper class to construct a serialization pipeline for a given result destination and a given set of output properties.
StandardCollationURIResolver StandardCollationURIResolver allows a Collation to be created given a URI starting with "" followed by a set of query parameters.
StandardCollectionURIResolver This class implements the default collection URI Resolver.
StandardEntityResolver This class is an EntityResolver used to resolve references to common DTDs and entity files, using local copies provided with the Saxon product.
StandardErrorHandler A default implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface.
StandardErrorListener StandardErrorListener is the standard error handler for XSLT and XQuery processing errors, used if no other ErrorListener is nominated.
StandardModuleURIResolver This class is the standard ModuleURIResolver used to implement the "import module" declaration in a Query Prolog.
StandardOutputResolver This class defines the default OutputURIResolver.
StandardUnparsedTextResolver Default implementation of the UnparsedTextURIResolver, used if no other implementation is nominated to the Configuration.
StandardURIChecker This class checks whether a string is a valid URI.
StandardURIResolver This class provides the service of converting a URI into an InputSource.
Validation This class contains constants and static methods to manipulate the validation property of a type.

Package net.sf.saxon.lib Description

This package collects together interfaces intended for user applications to implement in order to customize Saxon's behavior, default implementations of these interfaces, and classes containing constants that are used in public Saxon interfaces.

These interfaces were brought together into this package in Saxon 9.3, having previously been dispersed around the package hierarchy and mixed with classes and interfaces intended only for internal use.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
20 July 2010

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Saxonica Limited. All rights reserved.