Interface CollationURIResolver

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public interface CollationURIResolver
extends Serializable

A CollationURIResolver accepts a collation name as input, and returns a collation (represented by a StringCollator as output. A CollationURIResolver can be registered with the Configuration (or with a TransformerFactory) to resolve all collation URIs used in a stylesheet or query.

Method Summary
 StringCollator resolve(String relativeURI, String baseURI, Configuration config)
          Resolve a collation URI (expressed as a string) and return the corresponding collation.

Method Detail


StringCollator resolve(String relativeURI,
                       String baseURI,
                       Configuration config)
Resolve a collation URI (expressed as a string) and return the corresponding collation.

relativeURI - the collation URI as written in the query or stylesheet
baseURI - The base URI of the static context where the collation URI appears. The base URI is available only in cases where the collation URI is resolved at compile time; in cases where the collation URI is not resolved until execution time (typically because it is supplied as an expression rather than as a string literal) this parameter is currently set to null.
config - The configuration. Provided in case the collation URI resolver needs it.
a StringCollator, representing the collation to be used. Note that although any StringCollator may be returned, functions such as contains() that need to break a string into its collation units will work only if the returned StringCollator is a SubstringMatcher.

If the Collation URI cannot be resolved, return null. Note that unlike the JAXP URIResolver, returning null does not cause the default CollationURIResolver to be invoked; if this is required, the user-written CollationURIResolver should explicitly instantiate and invoke the StandardCollationURIResolver before returning null.

8.5/8.9 (this interface was introduced provisionally in 8.5, and modified in 8.9 to return a StringCollator rather than a Comparator).

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