Interface URIChecker

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface URIChecker

This interface defines a method for checking whether a string is considered to be a valid URI.

A user-supplied implementation of this class can be set in a customized instance of ConversionRules, which can be set in the configuration using Configuration.setConversionRules(ConversionRules)

A user-supplied implementation can be written either from scratch, or by reference to the system-supplied implementation StandardURIChecker.

Method Summary
 boolean isValidURI(CharSequence value)
          Check whether a given string is considered valid according to the rules of the xs:anyURI type.

Method Detail


boolean isValidURI(CharSequence value)
Check whether a given string is considered valid according to the rules of the xs:anyURI type.

This method is called during schema validation, and when casting string to xs:anyURI. It is not used when the xs:anyURI type is used as a return value from methods such as namespace-uri() or namespace-uri-from-QName() - in such cases no checking is applied to the name.

value - the string to be checked
true if the string is considered to represent a valid URI

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