Interface UnparsedTextURIResolver

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public interface UnparsedTextURIResolver
extends Serializable

An UnparsedTextURIResolver accepts an absolute URI and optionally an encoding name as input, and returns a Reader as its result.

Method Summary
 Reader resolve(URI absoluteURI, String encoding, Configuration config)
          Resolve the URI passed to the XSLT unparsed-text() function, after resolving against the base URI.

Method Detail


Reader resolve(URI absoluteURI,
               String encoding,
               Configuration config)
               throws XPathException
Resolve the URI passed to the XSLT unparsed-text() function, after resolving against the base URI.

Note that a user-written resolver is responsible for enforcing some of the rules in the XSLT specification, such as the rules for inferring an encoding when none is supplied. Saxon will not report any error if the resolver does this in a non-conformant way.

absoluteURI - the absolute URI obtained by resolving the supplied URI against the base URI
encoding - the encoding requested in the call of unparsed-text(), if any. Otherwise null.
config - The Saxon configuration. Provided in case the URI resolver needs it.
a Reader, which Saxon will use to read the unparsed text. After the text has been read, the close() method of the Reader will be called.
XPathException - if any failure occurs

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