Class TreeModel

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DOM4JObjectModel, DOMObjectModel, JDOMObjectModel, XOMObjectModel

public abstract class TreeModel
extends Object
implements Serializable

A TreeModel represents an implementation of the Saxon NodeInfo interface, which itself is essentially an implementation of the XDM model defined in W3C specifications (except that Saxon's NodeInfo understands the 13 XPath axes, rather than merely supporting parent and child properties).

This class serves two purposes: it acts as a factory for obtaining a Builder which can be used to build trees using this tree model; and it provides static constants that can be used to identify the built-in tree models.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static TreeModel LINKED_TREE
          The LinkedTree.
static TreeModel TINY_TREE
          The TinyTree implementation.
          The CondensedTinyTree implementation.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getSymbolicValue()
          Get the integer constant used to identify this tree model in some legacy interfaces
static TreeModel getTreeModel(int symbolicValue)
          Get the tree model corresponding to a given integer constant
 boolean isMutable()
          Ask whether this tree model supports updating (that is, whether the nodes in the constructed tree will implement MutableNodeInfo, which is necessary if they are to support XQuery Update.
abstract  Builder makeBuilder(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
          Make a Builder to construct an instance of this tree model from a stream of events
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final TreeModel TINY_TREE
The TinyTree implementation. This is normally the default implementation of the tree model.


public static final TreeModel TINY_TREE_CONDENSED
The CondensedTinyTree implementation. This is a variant of the TinyTree that uses less memory but takes a little longer to build. Run-time performance is the same as the TinyTree.


public static final TreeModel LINKED_TREE
The LinkedTree. This takes more memory than the TinyTree. The main advantage of this model is that it is updateable: the nodes in a LinkedTree can be modified using XQuery Updates.

Constructor Detail


public TreeModel()
Method Detail


public abstract Builder makeBuilder(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
Make a Builder to construct an instance of this tree model from a stream of events

a newly created Builder @param pipe


public int getSymbolicValue()
Get the integer constant used to identify this tree model in some legacy interfaces

an integer constant used to identify the model, for example Builder.TINY_TREE


public static TreeModel getTreeModel(int symbolicValue)
Get the tree model corresponding to a given integer constant

symbolicValue - one of the constants Builder.TINY_TREE, Builder.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or Builder.LINKED_TREE
the corresponding TreeModel


public boolean isMutable()
Ask whether this tree model supports updating (that is, whether the nodes in the constructed tree will implement MutableNodeInfo, which is necessary if they are to support XQuery Update. This method can be overridden in subclasses; the default implementation returns false.

true if the tree model implementation supports updating, that is, if its nodes support the MutableNodeInfo interface.

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