Class DOMObjectModel

  extended by
      extended by net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMObjectModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ExternalObjectModel

public class DOMObjectModel
extends TreeModel
implements ExternalObjectModel, Serializable

This interface must be implemented by any third-party object model that can be wrapped with a wrapper that implements the Saxon Object Model (the NodeInfo interface). This implementation of the interface supports wrapping of DOM Documents.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Create an instance of the DOMObjectModel class.
Method Summary
<T extends Item>
convertXPathValueToObject(ValueRepresentation<T> value, Class target)
          Convert an XPath value to an object in this object model.
 NodeInfo copy(Node node, TreeModel model, Configuration config)
          Copy a DOM node to create a node in a different tree model
 Receiver getDocumentBuilder(Result result)
          Test whether this object model recognizes a particular kind of JAXP Result object, and if it does, return a Receiver that builds an instance of this data model from a sequence of events.
 String getIdentifyingURI()
          Get the URI of the external object model as used in the JAXP factory interfaces for obtaining an XPath implementation
static DOMObjectModel getInstance()
          Get a reusable instance instance of this class.
 JPConverter getJPConverter(Class sourceClass)
          Get a converter from values in the external object model to XPath values.
 PJConverter getNodeListCreator(Object node)
          Get a converter that converts a sequence of XPath nodes to this model's representation of a node list.
 PJConverter getPJConverter(Class targetClass)
          Get a converter from XPath values to values in the external object model
 Builder makeBuilder(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
          Make a Builder to construct an instance of this tree model from a stream of events
 boolean sendSource(Source source, Receiver receiver)
          Test whether this object model recognizes a particular kind of JAXP Source object, and if it does, send the contents of the document to a supplied Receiver, and return true.
 NodeInfo unravel(Source source, Configuration config)
          Wrap or unwrap a node using this object model to return the corresponding Saxon node.
 NodeInfo wrap(Node node, Configuration config)
          Wrap a DOM node using this object model to return the corresponding Saxon node.
Methods inherited from class
getSymbolicValue, getTreeModel, isMutable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DOMObjectModel()
Create an instance of the DOMObjectModel class.

When possible, use the getInstance() method in preference, as the instance is then reusable.

Method Detail


public static DOMObjectModel getInstance()
Get a reusable instance instance of this class.

Note, this is not actually a singleton instance; the class also has a public constructor, which is needed to support the automatic loading of object models into the Configuration.

the singleton instance


public String getIdentifyingURI()
Get the URI of the external object model as used in the JAXP factory interfaces for obtaining an XPath implementation

Specified by:
getIdentifyingURI in interface ExternalObjectModel
the URI used to identify this object model in the JAXP XPath factory mechanism.


public PJConverter getPJConverter(Class targetClass)
Get a converter from XPath values to values in the external object model

Specified by:
getPJConverter in interface ExternalObjectModel
targetClass - the required class of the result of the conversion. If this class represents a node or list of nodes in the external object model, the method should return a converter that takes a native node or sequence of nodes as input and returns a node or sequence of nodes in the external object model representation. Otherwise, it should return null.
a converter, if the targetClass is recognized as belonging to this object model; otherwise null


public JPConverter getJPConverter(Class sourceClass)
Description copied from interface: ExternalObjectModel
Get a converter from values in the external object model to XPath values.

Specified by:
getJPConverter in interface ExternalObjectModel
sourceClass - the class (static or dynamic) of values to be converted
a converter, if the sourceClass is recognized as belonging to this object model; otherwise null


public PJConverter getNodeListCreator(Object node)
Get a converter that converts a sequence of XPath nodes to this model's representation of a node list.

Specified by:
getNodeListCreator in interface ExternalObjectModel
node - an example of the kind of node used in this model
if the model does not recognize this node as one of its own, return null. Otherwise return a PJConverter that takes a list of XPath nodes (represented as NodeInfo objects) and returns a collection of nodes in this object model


public Receiver getDocumentBuilder(Result result)
                            throws XPathException
Test whether this object model recognizes a particular kind of JAXP Result object, and if it does, return a Receiver that builds an instance of this data model from a sequence of events. If the Result is not recognised, return null.

Specified by:
getDocumentBuilder in interface ExternalObjectModel
result - a JAXP result object
a Receiver that writes to that result, if available; or null otherwise
XPathException - if any failure occurs


public Builder makeBuilder(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
Description copied from class: TreeModel
Make a Builder to construct an instance of this tree model from a stream of events

Specified by:
makeBuilder in class TreeModel
a newly created Builder @param pipe


public boolean sendSource(Source source,
                          Receiver receiver)
                   throws XPathException
Test whether this object model recognizes a particular kind of JAXP Source object, and if it does, send the contents of the document to a supplied Receiver, and return true. Otherwise, return false

Specified by:
sendSource in interface ExternalObjectModel
source - a JAXP Source object
receiver - the Receiver that is to receive the data from the Source
true if the data from the Source has been sent to the Receiver, false otherwise
XPathException - if any failure occurs


public NodeInfo wrap(Node node,
                     Configuration config)
Wrap a DOM node using this object model to return the corresponding Saxon node.

node - the DOM node to be wrapped
config - the Saxon Configuration
the wrapped DOM node


public NodeInfo copy(Node node,
                     TreeModel model,
                     Configuration config)
              throws XPathException
Copy a DOM node to create a node in a different tree model

node - the DOM node to be copied
model - the target tree model
config - the Saxon Configuration
the copied node
XPathException - if the operation fails


public NodeInfo unravel(Source source,
                        Configuration config)
Wrap or unwrap a node using this object model to return the corresponding Saxon node. If the supplied source does not belong to this object model, return null

Specified by:
unravel in interface ExternalObjectModel
source - a JAXP Source object
config - the Saxon configuration
a NodeInfo corresponding to the Source, if this can be constructed; otherwise null


public static <T extends Item> Object convertXPathValueToObject(ValueRepresentation<T> value,
                                                                Class target)
                                        throws XPathException
Convert an XPath value to an object in this object model. If the supplied value can be converted to an object in this model, of the specified class, then the conversion should be done and the resulting object returned. If the value cannot be converted, the method should return null. Note that the supplied class might be a List, in which case the method should inspect the contents of the Value to see whether they belong to this object model.

value - the XPath value to be converted
target - the class of object required
the result of the conversion
XPathException - if the target class is explicitly associated with this object model, but the supplied value cannot be converted to the appropriate class

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