Interface BuildingStreamWriter

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public interface BuildingStreamWriter
extends XMLStreamWriter

A BuildingStreamWriter allows a document to be constructed by calling the methods defined in the XMLStreamWriter interface; after the document has been constructed, its root node may be retrieved by calling the getDocumentNode() method.

The class will attempt to generate namespace prefixes where none have been supplied, unless the inventPrefixes option is set to false. The preferred mode of use is to call the versions of writeStartElement and writeAttribute that supply the prefix, URI, and local name in full. If the prefix is omitted, the class attempts to invent a prefix. If the URI is omitted, the name is assumed to be in no namespace. The writeNamespace

method should be called only if there is a need to declare a namespace prefix that is not used on any element or attribute name.

The class will check all names, URIs, and character content for conformance against XML well-formedness rules unless the checkValues option is set to false.

Method Summary
 XdmNode getDocumentNode()
          After building the document by writing a sequence of events, retrieve the root node of the constructed document tree
 boolean isCheckValues()
          Ask whether names and values are to be checked for conformance with XML rules
 boolean isInventPrefixes()
          Ask whether prefixes are to be invented when none is specified by the user
 void setCheckValues(boolean check)
          Say whether names and values are to be checked for conformance with XML rules
 void setInventPrefixes(boolean invent)
          Say whether prefixes are to be invented when none is specified by the user
Methods inherited from interface
close, flush, getNamespaceContext, getPrefix, getProperty, setDefaultNamespace, setNamespaceContext, setPrefix, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeCData, writeCharacters, writeCharacters, writeComment, writeDefaultNamespace, writeDTD, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEndDocument, writeEndElement, writeEntityRef, writeNamespace, writeProcessingInstruction, writeProcessingInstruction, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartElement, writeStartElement, writeStartElement

Method Detail


XdmNode getDocumentNode()
                        throws SaxonApiException
After building the document by writing a sequence of events, retrieve the root node of the constructed document tree

the root node of the constructed tree. The result is undefined (maybe null, maybe an exception) if the method is called before successfully completing the sequence of events (of which the last should be XMLStreamWriter.writeEndDocument()) that constructs the tree.
SaxonApiException - if any failure occurs


void setInventPrefixes(boolean invent)
Say whether prefixes are to be invented when none is specified by the user

invent - true if prefixes are to be invented. Default is true.


boolean isInventPrefixes()
Ask whether prefixes are to be invented when none is specified by the user

true if prefixes are to be invented. Default is true.


void setCheckValues(boolean check)
Say whether names and values are to be checked for conformance with XML rules

check - true if names and values are to be checked. Default is true.


boolean isCheckValues()
Ask whether names and values are to be checked for conformance with XML rules

true if names and values are to be checked. Default is true.

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